crashes pa.exe stopped responding

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Alpha2546, August 11, 2014.

  1. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    So I'm getting more crashes since the last update. It might be driver related but I'm not sure (cause i'm running HD4830). Everything gets stuck the screen goes black (like its getting no signal) and then it goes back to my desktop with the message that PA.exe has stopped working.

    I'm saving up the logs but i don't get that much crash dumps. (one for now i think). How do I upload the crash dump?

    I hope that it'll provide valueable information.

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  2. Shwyx

    Shwyx Well-Known Member

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    Please add your most recent DxDiag (see my signature for a how-to).

    However, there's a very big chance your HD 4830 and its outdated drivers are the root of your problem. The game is prone to crash on Radeon legacy cards (HD 3xxx, HD 4xxx), as the most recent drivers are from 2013 and there will be no further updates.

    I've had a similar issue with an HD 4850 which couldn't be resolved; I resorted to getting another card.
  3. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    I already thought that something like that could be happening. I might get a new graphics card this week. If so I'll definately let you guys know if its more stable.

    I've also added the dumpfile in a zip. Might come in handy. I'm also wondering why i don't get that many dumpfiles. Could it be that there ain't time to write the dump anymore?

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  4. Shwyx

    Shwyx Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, that's definitely your card causing these crashes. Everything going black, PA.exe has stopped working - just what I had.

    And even if the drivers were up to date, the 4830 is one the bottom rung in terms of performance. Heck, the 4850 was one of Uber's recommended minimum cards, and your 4830 only has 0,5 GB of VRAM.

    If you can get a cheap upgrade, go for it.
    Alpha2546 likes this.

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