Searched but nothing came up for these. Could someone tell me what the 3 letter designations for the official servers are? Mainly lax and iad (really just curious). Also, some players have little bot icons next to their name in the team list...what are those? Thanks in advance.
Dunno about the servers, but bots signify how many 100's of levels you add onto a player's displayed level. Slimbot - 100 Buzzer - 200 Gremlin - 300 etc, I don't know the full list.
I was also guessing LAX since I am in San Diego and the ping to those servers is usually in the 40-60 ms range. Wasn't sure what IAD was though since I usually get similar pings to those servers (though sometimes getting up toward 80 ms).
LOL...yeah, pretty bad typo there. But, knowledge is power and I will definitely double check from now on!
It's all fun and games, Also the little icons are like a Prestige from Call of Duty, they don't mean anything apart from the length of time the person has played the game. Doesn't reflect skill as levels go up regardless of how your performing. It goes all the way up to the JackBot icon I think.
No symbol - 0 Slimbot - 100 Buzzer - 200 Gremlin - 300 Scrambler - 400 Blackjack - 500 Gapshot - 600 Bouncer - 700 Jackbot - 800 Just to give you a point of reference, I'm #2 on the earnings leaderboard and I'm a scrambler (level 400+). Arsonist is a blackjack last I saw. Some asshat hacked their earnings and has like $100,000,000 so he's probably a Jackbot but he'll get reset / banned .
Nice, thanks for the break down. Where is the earnings leaderboard located? I was just checking the site links and didn't see it. It is at a 3rd party location?
It's in-game located in the locker room. Currently, there is a leaderboards for earnings, kills, and wins.
Oh right on! I have kept up with my highlights and career but I have never even checked those leaderboards. Funny thing is, I am sitting at work now, and I can mentally see the menu and it is right there. Thanks for the reply!
No problem, Dubblebass. I think I've seen you in a number of lobbies by the way. If you ever need any help, friend me on steam (SunnyDove) and I'll give you my mumble server info. We usually have 5-10 good players on each evening and we (or at least most of us) like helping players that want to get better.
Will do and thanks for the offer. I saw you and a couple of other vets 1-2 nights ago and I recognized you and one other from the forum. I knew I was in over my head, but it was much more fun playing against you all and pushing myself to get better than it is most nights settling for mediocre yet still looking good on the charts at the end. Then funny thing is, I felt a LOT less pressure because everyone was doing what they should and I didn't have to try to do 3 people's jobs (which freed me up to learn more of what I need to do). In a way, it made the game easier!