Go get a PC and play the original for a better and much more fun experience right now. It's only 10 after all.
can't wait for this to come on the 360. Played counter strike on the original xbox. Good times. Hopefully gameplay stays the same just with better graphics. Don't fix whats not broken
Great post Not Officer Willy did you know they released the trailor like last week. Here's the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ycbuZNRgZc&annotation_id=annotation_528239&feature=iv
Hardly any different than what's going on CS right now. (Jolly co-operation!) Ah'm sure theres nothing wrong with cross-platforming. Oh right.
Oh man CS was so awesome. It was one of the hottest PC game on Philippines around 2001 - 2004. I destroyed everyone on local net cafes/computer shops.