mega geniuses? Update #8 really pissed me off. I couldnt understand how Uber Entertainment hadnt seen their own folly with in-house testing. It relies so much on teamwork, which basically means you just cant win. Of course the team at Uber Entertainment will have great teamwork while they are testing their changes, but random pubbers? This was certainly true for a long time, but in recent days the update has successfully forced people to work as a team. My team had no Gunner. Sea Knight, having played a few games with me in the past, knew that I am capable. He sent a team message: L. Spiro, get juice and lets take out their main turret. I was Assassin, he was Assault. Spunky Cola Arena. I told him when I got juice and we got into position. When I gave the go, not only did he and I attack it, our Support threw in an airstrike on it! It took 3 people but we took down an unguarded 200% health level-3 RockIt! People actually working together and coordinating amongst themselves on a random pub. I never thought I would see it. What seemed hugely unbalanced to many of us, including myself, seemed fine to Uber Entertainment (I assume so since they released it). Did they see the future? It is still a bit strange that taking down such a turret requires so much teamwork, but as long as more people actually start to work as a team it makes it more fun in the end. To have seen so far into the future. To have seen beyond what mortals can see, and find a distant world where random pubbers would work as a team. Could Uber Entertainment be? L. Spiro
Sure teamwork, or you can just play Gunner and get Uber and clear the base with Mortars, destroying at least 4 turrets before uber runs out. I see games with 3+ Gunners almost every time now. Even if a support is healing a level 3 turret a Gunner can out damage them destroying the turret, especially with gold RoF. If there is no gunner, which is rare as they are the flavour of the month. Then you usually have a stalemate till overtime and a uber assassin drops the ball on their own. I done this a few times last night to the other teams frustration as they were clearly winning the map. Two uber charges drop the ball with ninja stars. Besides before the team notices and you die the uber is gone and your running to get a second one. The patches are headed in the right direction, but there is definitely some tweaking still to be done. On a side note, its nice to have more than 1 server to pick from in Australia again. There was at least 4 that I saw with almost 12/12 players. Lets hope most stick around!
So true, also I play too much TF2. Grab your pitch forks people, next I will slip up and use WoW terminology to explain this game!
You mean the game where the community currently hates the developers? Oh, yeah, that is the case in both games.
Huh, I haven't been played Eve in six months because my pre-paid card didn't work overseas (instead using it to buy MNC back in Beta). Never thought they'd implement a microtransaction system.
Probably no one cares because everyone hates you. I would have been your only supporter since I like to stick up for the little guy but that ended when you posted this. Have a good day! L. Spiro
Relying on team gameplay when could have absolutely random teams is a bad idea. I get that team-strategy is important. But lets be realistic. Pubbing a game and expecting any real teamwork outside of "TDM" rules is asking too much from people. I constantly get teams who won't work together in even groups of 2. Then you have the newbies(nothing wrong with that) who haven't fully learned how to play walking around. Combine noobs + pubs + team based gameplay and you have yourself bad design.
I was a bit joking. I meant it in the nicest possible way! Seriously, I couldnt be so directly hateful without it being a joke. This is what I said after the patch, without rating anyones level of design of course (because I am a nice person). If my calculations are correct, we should already be experiencing the pull of a black hole caused by the paradox created by non-existent teamwork that exists. The one thing about having such hard-to-destroy turrets is that newbies, after failing to destroy them but knowing there is a way, will start thinking about alternative ways. Once realizing that it is impossible alone, they will actually start to talk to other people on the server and try to organize an organized assault. Slowly but surely it is starting to happen. General teamwork is still rare. People only talk to each other when they want a turret down, but it is a foundation, and more than what happened before. That thing is a girl?? L. Spiro
Speaking of jokes I was joking when I posted that. It was part of my picture posting quest. Anyway on to what you were saying. Team work in this game is key and those few moments you get with good randoms willing to listen and formulate a plan is utterly beautiful and are very effective. The people over at uber may very well be geniuses!