I wish there were more games out there that still support old school couch coop. It is great to be able to play MNC with a friend and still be able to use Xbox live. The one down side is my friend is a hard core player and does not have his custom class available to him. The problem we have is with the amount of times the game freezes, unable to migrate, etc. Which in turn he losses the money from each match so it takes a lot longer to get enough money to purchase his class. If it was a perfect world a hand full of good wins he could build his class. It would be a nice feature for the couch coop to choice one of the main players available builds. As the main player I would have to use my money to build a class for my couch coop to use. Does anyone else have the same thoughts?
I agree that the couch coop shouldn't have to "unlock" custom classes every time you play. Either leverage the main player's custom classes or maintain the 2nd players level for the next visit so they don't need to unlock again. Also, would be killer if they were able to use mic so we don't end up with a one sided conversation.
Re: Couch Coop custome class I forgot about the couch coop being able to use the mic. Is that more of a xbox live issue or MNC?
Unfortunately, it's MNC since the December 1st update. Splitscreen is intolerable now with that massive frame drop :|
My understanding is that while guests are immediately level 0, they can just move their profiles. That should have everything set, since the game basically seems to download your game profile for each gamertag that's logged in.
This sounds like a marvelous idea. @Organus - I play at a friend's house very often and there is no way to retain my earnings from session to session regardless of how I sign on at his house. When MNC freezes and we have to exit the game I lose all my earnings as well.
I thought with the update uber was trying to eliminate coop altogether, especially with the lack of custom classes.
I hope not, that would be a real step back. This and other games like it where you can play locally and online should be the new standard of mutli-player experience.