Cosmic Digital Edition and Localized Store

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by garat, May 9, 2013.

  1. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Hey all,

    Just made this announcement on Facebook:

    The localization's are entirely the result of this community. Pretty amazing stuff.. The website will auto detect language preference, if any, but it can also be overridden with a pull down control.

    We'll be using the same system that the community used to help get this to actually translate the game itself to as many languages as possible. Thankfully, it's not a text heavy game, but still, we're hoping it will help make it more accessible to a much broader audience.

    Thanks all!
  2. exonia

    exonia New Member

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    Nice! It's pretty awesome when the community can get behind the developers like this.. lets hope we can continue to help you guys make a great game that everyone can enjoy!
  3. therishka

    therishka New Member

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    How can I help you localize your store? Becouse the translation to Russian isn't that good as it should be=)
  4. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    Hi Garat,

    looks quite good!

    But there are some new project-strings we don't have access to since the last updates of the uberstore.
    Also some translations have to be changed, because some of the original text has changed.

    I've made some changes of the text anyway.

    Edit: I would like to address another point:

    Perhaps you should add to the page:
    "The translations were not made ​​by professionals and may contain translation errors."

    Without thinking someone will translate intentionally wrong: Let's say a buyer pre-ordered an edition that contains a commander in life size, because of a wrong translation (just an example). If he does not get what he was promised, there's trouble. You know what I mean?
  5. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Looks great. :)

    One thing, I know you want to keep the brand Planetary Annihilation in as many languages as possible, but that is kind of hard to understand in Spanish.

    Aniquilación Planetaria is a direct translation, that I think will make it easier to understand in Spanish, just my two cents. ;)

    On a side note, the cosmic limited digital edition in Spanish, the following items are still in english, and so are their descriptions:

    Delta Commander
    'Commander' Accreditation
    Planetary Naming
    PA Founding Commander Badge
    PA Asteroid Pin & PA Asteroid Belt Flair items for SMNC


    Comandante Delta
    Disponible sólo en la Edición Limitada Cosmica de pre-pedidos, y para los primeros partidarios de $90+ niveles de recompensa en Kickstarter, el Delta fue el primer comandante completamente realizado que fue revelado al mundo. Ver imágenes del comandante aquí.

    Acreditación de 'Comandante'
    Las personas que compren la Edición Limitada Cosmica estarán en los créditos como comandantes. Quien fue uno de los primeros partidarios estará en los créditos como Comandante Fundador. Esta es una manera de darle las gracias por la participación que todos ustedes han tenido en la creación de Planetary Annihilation.

    Nombrando Planetas
    Usted será capaz de dar dos nombres que se utilizan para generar nombres de planetas en juego, que todos puedan ver. Para siempre haga una marca en la galaxia de la Planetary Annihilation.

    Insignia de PA Comandante Fundador

    PA Asteroide Clavija y PA Cinturón de Asteroide, artículos de estilo para SMNC
    Para los nuevos y viejos seguidores de Uber, estos elementos son utilizables en nuestro juego, Super Monday Night Combat para añadir aún más sabor a su Tank o su Pit Girl. Super MNC es gratis para jugar, y se puede descargar aquí.
    Last edited: May 9, 2013
  6. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Thanks guys. Keep translation feedback in the localization thread for now though, please!
  7. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Please don't use this thread to provide missing translations. We know. :)
  8. therishka

    therishka New Member

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    I just wanted to help. Where can I post the translations then? If it's needed of course=)
  9. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

    Likes Received:
    There's only a thread in the backers forum for now, which actually will give you all the needed information to use the real translation website. However, those strings don't exist in English yet, so hang tight. I'll update that thread when I have grabbed the necessary strings and uploaded them for translation!

    Thanks much for the enthusiasm, just not quite ready for more translations yet! :)
  10. therishka

    therishka New Member

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    0 can i get to the backers forum?=) Btw, u've deleted my message?=( but I didn't save the text(

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