Post em! All 5 celestial bodies in the system are visible, with robot activity on 3 of them after I killed off the other teams. My commanders were on their way to that far-off planet in the distance. Here is another view:
Very cool! Shots like this make me even more tempted to pay a little more to get in the beta. The temptation is killing me.
I am blown away with what they have done to this game. When I saw the kickstarter video I knew the game was going to be awesome, but seeing real time actually happening is making my mouth drop every time. I agree with rockerx, I might buy that early access on steam.
Two screenshots equals two more potential beta players. This forum is mostly bug reports, and while that is constructive, it's not making people want to buy. Show people what the game is really like! Post your screenshots!
Tried to reproduce PA#2854 and failed, but decide to share few screenshots. It's about 1200 orbital fighters.