When playing with one or several AI's, the game speed keeps dropping as the game progresses, undepending on the amount of remaining AI's or units in the game. This is the same problem that Supreme Commander had, and made the game unplayable after a while, if facing AI opponents. You'd think the game speed would increase when nothing is left, but it doesn't. Please look into this, it is really game breaking.
Having the same problem, plus the game freezes and crashes constantly after 10-15 min. No problems with FPS though.
This is mainly a game engine thing, atleast it was for Supreme Commander, and it was mainly because the unit limit was so high that the engine couldn't handle the amount of simulations anymore and so started to slow down the hole game. I do not know if this also count for PA but i have noticed this aswell and i seems very similair.
Well, of course the more units you throw into the sim, the more work has to be done to keep track of them all. Uber may be able to increase efficiency greatly on this front, but with current tech, at some point, you'll still be running into this problem no matter what. Uber wants to get to the point where we have millions of units while the game is still playable, but theres no set unit cap, so theres nothing stopping people from spamming units to the point where the comp can't handle it.
If you can get millions of units without slowing the game down, i would love to see and AI conquer a hole star system without restraints, and it's deffinetly you who can make that happen! Still play against your badass FA AI everyday!
gotta love a game forum where the developers periodically answer fan questions To the optimisation-mobile!