Continuous Factory Production Setting

Discussion in 'Support!' started by shawnmiller2389, June 13, 2013.

  1. shawnmiller2389

    shawnmiller2389 New Member

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    I want to know if it possible to add a continuous build option to production factories?

    In a game with no unit cap, that is spread across an entire solar system, your focus may be on one small part of the map. It would be nice to have the factories continue production without you having to check and see how many unit a factory is set to produce. With as many as 40 players per map, you do not want to be caught focusing on a battle and then factories not producing and being left defenseless when another player attacks you.

    What our your thoughts on this?
  2. mafoon

    mafoon Member

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    i agree, that or the ability to type in how many you want because clicking a button 100 times to make a massive build que is tedious and draws away from the fun of the game
  3. smallcpu

    smallcpu Active Member

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    My thoughts are:

    Hm... I'm kinda hungry... continues building, go away fly, sounds good, argh, I hate flies, should be in later in the, haha, killed you, fly, game, they probably hadn't had time to implement it, ugh, I got crushed fly goo on my hand now.

    (Sorry, I'm in a silly mood today. ;) )

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