Continuous BSOD's from Planetary Annihilation

Discussion in 'Support!' started by abber, August 28, 2013.

  1. abber

    abber New Member

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    Hi, I recently bought the game and I've run into some issues with the gameplay and it seems to only happen and persist in PA.

    The issue is that when I get into the game against an AI or player I will get a bluescreen crash after a few minutes or even as much as 15 minutes of playing. The bluescreen is a bccode 124, which is dealing with hardware or something related. My computer specs go above minimum required and I've tried to update the drivers and whatnot to no avail.

    Any help or solutions/recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Attached is my DxDiag

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  2. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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  3. abber

    abber New Member

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    Already did that and the issue persists.
  4. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Did you tried "Latest Beta Driver"? It's previously reported as way to fix some crashes/BSOD with PA.
  5. abber

    abber New Member

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    I did, actually. It increased the time before it BSOD's, but still continues.
  6. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Can you install GPU-Z and check temperature of GPU in moment of BSOD? For me it's looks like overheating or some other hardware problem.

    I also recommend try to set GPU fan speed to 100% though CCC and then check how it's will work.
  7. abber

    abber New Member

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    As of right now, it's idling at 49c.
  8. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    It's more important what temperature GPU have when BSOD happen. :)

    I also don't sure if 3XXX series have overclocking support, but sometimes underclocking might help with such crashes. Your GPU is old and it's just can't handle game for some reason.
  9. abber

    abber New Member

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    It performs fine until it crashes. I'm going to attempt an uninstall then fresh install of my drivers because I cant seem to set the fan speed.
  10. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Fan speed setup it's part of "Overdrive" feature and I don't sure if it's available for your card.
  11. glinkot

    glinkot Active Member

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    It's funny, I got my first two BSODs this morning on my retina MacBook Pro, on win7. Happened twice within a few minute span, starting within 5 mins of game kickoff. Moved to my desktop after the 2nd crash and it was fine.

    I've played all the previous builds and never had a bsod. Wasn't going to report it though because I found some new spyware on the machine.

    My bsod was about accessing memory outside the addressable range.
  12. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Uber can't fix any of them because BSOD mean hardware or drivers problems.
  13. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    If you get BSOD the first thing I would do is check your ram. Try running memtest.
  14. eeyrjmr

    eeyrjmr Member

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    First things first
    PA is a USERLAND application, BSOD are caused by KERNELSPACE exceptions.

    Userland applications CANNOT cause BSOD, Userland applications can excersise a fault/bug via a driver that then causes a KERNELSPACE exception which then is displayed as a BSOD.

    If you are getting BSOD it is either due to drivers or hardware (with a few other kernel issues as well BUT that OS level).
    Win2k was the last MS OS that had userland triggered BSOD partly due to exposed hooks into the kernel.
    XP closed almost all of the remaining ones.
    Vista/Win7/8 moved the last major ones out of kernelspace (ie gfx drivers and snd drivers).

    that BSOD gives alot of infomation, like the sys file that caused the exception as well as some hex numbers to help track down exactly what. I would guess RAM
  15. occusoj

    occusoj Active Member

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    I get some BSODs too, only with PA though. Same machine stitches huge panorams multiple GBytes in size using nearly all of its 15GB RAM. Ran memtest for hours with no errors beeing found. Used various drivers, stock CPU settings, as well as OC or underclocked - no difference.

    And it is just PA for me. Neither BF3 nor TA, SCom2 any other game behaves like that.

    It certainly has to be a drivers problem thats triggered by something PA does.

    Way more annoying IMO is the crash/hang when joining a game or Coherent crashing.
  16. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Then attach your DxDiag, more statistics on OS/hardware which have BSODs will be useful.
  17. eeyrjmr

    eeyrjmr Member

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    Or make a note of the information on the BSoD screen... you do know it is very useful and not just blue...
    And people said "the high alpha price" was to get the right sort of people into alpha...
  18. mabono5

    mabono5 Member

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    I had the same graphics card as you do. I had the card for about 5 years, never really used it, but found out that the fan speed was stuck at 33% and overheated to 80 degrees within minutes of playing PA, as soon as it hit 80, the pc froze completely.

    I tried everything. Eventually I had the game playing for a max of 15 minutes, and even with fans all around my open box, the temp stayed around 65, and still froze.

    I ended up purchasing a new graphics card, and have not had a problem since.

    Here is the post.
  19. eckotime

    eckotime New Member

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    i kinda had the same problem with BF3 (newest drivers even beta 15 min play bluescreen or shutdown) . I had to install a new bios of my graficscard. At that time i didn't even know graficscards had that... It was some shader memory problem. It fixed it, but bios... not a good idea if you don't know what you are doing!

    Just sharing my thoughts
  20. occusoj

    occusoj Active Member

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    Ye, theres sone white in it too.
    Seriously, on my beamer its mostly black not blue. After it took its time and adapted to the new resolution (no HD bluescreens yet) there is a short glimpse of it, between a half and one second before the system reboots. Good luck reading it.
    I usually have no camera up and running, filming the wall I use as screen. Sorry bout that.

    So, dumpfile to the rescue.

    I am very sorry to have insulted the forum by beeing the wrong sort of people, please rest assured that it wasnt my intention to do so.
    My dumb thoughts just where that Uber wont debug/disassemble/fix missbehaving kernelspace binaries or implement highly platform specific workarounds for non-userspace quirks in a mid-alpha version. Thus silly me tried to not waste their time and just state that there may very well be reasons for PA associated BSODs besides defective hardware that, beeing outside userland, residing out of Ubers primary territory.

    So here is some very basic information about it.
    The cause of the last one was at ntoskrnl.exe+71f00, code 0x0000001a or mem management.
    Param 1: 00000000`00005003
    Param 2: fffff700`01080000
    Param 3: 00000000`0004aa5a
    Param4: 00000000`734e4009

    The forums software wasnt quiet happy with a .dmp file.
    BSODing is somewhat rare but it does happen. I have 6 dumpfiles of which 100% where produced when PA ran. Never during much higher system loads on CPU and/or GPU by other software.

    From all GPUs I have that can cause a BSOD or a specific one?

    Attached is one from my 5970. Driver is not latest beta but that didnt make any difference at all. Theres no overheating going on, all temps well below 60. GPU can run furmark, Uni, 3DMark,... all day long at full load with no hickups. CPU is primestable, tested it on clocks way above stock. And as already mentioned, memtests find no errors.

    How PA manages it to bust the kernel is beyond me as that shouldnt even be possible and I usually write a bit of simple C/ASM stuff for other OSes or MCUs with no OS at all.

    In hindsight I realize that I shouldnt have posted at all, so please excuse me for doing so.
    Ill do the best I can to prevent more wrong people getting into PA by not recommending or even mentioning it to others anymore.

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