console version?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by slimexpert, April 29, 2013.

  1. slimexpert

    slimexpert New Member

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    I did a quick search for console versions, and while I know RTS does not work fabulously on consoles, it does work.

    Are there any plans for Xbox 720 / ps4 versions of the game, after the windows, mac and Linux versions ship?

    Of course I realize that consoles have limits - no interplay from Xbox to Ps. Though there have been Xbox to windows games in the past.

    (on that note I assume pc vs mac vs Linux games will work?)

    Cuts curious really.

  2. sabetwolf

    sabetwolf Member

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    No plans have been released by Uber as of yet
  3. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    As far as I've been told supcom on 360 was pretty good, performance aside.
  4. ucsgolan

    ucsgolan Member

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    I heard that the Uber had terrible story about console.
    As PC gamer, I did not have good impression from any game service related to console stuff.
    (Such as Dawn of War 2)
  5. Hydrofoil

    Hydrofoil Member

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    The way they want to do the after launch support means that porting it to a console and offering those services would be very very difficult so I don't think we will see a console version.

    plus I wouldn't want one it wouldn't be able to handle PA anyways
  6. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    My mind froze for a second as I read 'console' as 'terminal' :lol:

    There's nothing wrong with the idea of rts games on consoles, particularly now that you can plug a standard mouse and keyboard in them. There could be a market. 150 million ps3 + 360 sales, maybe 30 million active consoles, 1% like rts games, ...
  7. slimexpert

    slimexpert New Member

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    I quite like SC on Xbox, though, the control is slower, though, if we expect less micro, I would be happy.

    I never thought about mouse keyboard on console, that would help a lot, I have read M$ are not keen on that, though.

    I am not sure if current gen would be up to snuff, though, from the various videos, Uber are really thinking about using all cores on cpus, so they might be.

    I also had read the history of Uber, I fully understand if they don't want to deal with M$ again, things could have gone smoother there for them.

    I am going to have to see if my pc can play it, might be time for an upgrade. Timing wise, I was hoping not to update pc and console in same year :?

  8. asgo

    asgo Member

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    would be fun, a bit text mode a bit ASCII art and run it in a shell. ;)
  9. monkeyulize

    monkeyulize Active Member

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    I really hope not.
  10. syox

    syox Member

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    Console for vim'esc command input as suggested in by vebyast
  11. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Bwahahahaha.. Sorry, as the project lead on that one, that just is funny, though thanks for the vote of confidence. If, at the time, we had been allowed to require a hard drive install for it, we might have been able to pull off a solid experience for it. But given that Microsoft gave a big "no way" on requiring a hard drive, we would have needed another 12 months to get the performance on that up to the level needed to make any of us really happy. As it was, it was ok, but still really needed a hard drive install to be playable, which was a function of all the disc seeks needed on a second by second basis. It utterly destroyed the performance when you're restricted by DVD random access seek speeds.

    We did a hand layout of the entire DVD to try and get the performance as good as possible, starting on layer 0 to load the game, and then when all the core information was in memory, switching to layer 1 of the DVD to do all the random access, so we could place all the files as far out on the disc as possible for best possible read speeds.

    All told, I was pretty happy with the control model we came up with for the game, but honestly, to make an RTS really fun on a console, with current control mechanisms, really means making a different game. I think if we wanted to make a console version at some point, we would be best served making a console game based on PA, rather than a direct port of PA.

    If any of that will ever happen.. ask us in 6 to 12 months. :)
  12. Neumeusis

    Neumeusis Active Member

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    Interesting to have an "inside story" for this !

    Thnaks for sharing Garat !
  13. Xagar

    Xagar Active Member

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    I was about to say, I rented Supcom 2 on the Xbox just to see and it was pretty horrid just because of how complex the game itself is.
  14. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    If SupCom2 is complex then I'm either very intelligent or we played different games. Compared to the first two games supcom2 is the simplest rts that was ever created. Since you can have a mouse and keyboard on a console I don't see how is it much different than on PC other than performance
  15. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    There is so much Logic in your post Garat it's simply glorious! I can't appreciate it enough!

    FINALLY a voice of reason! Playing to a system's strengths instead of trying to fit a square peg in a round hole seems so obviously the better choice, yet no one ever seems to do it.

    I take it you never played the Original SupCom/FA then?

  16. Xagar

    Xagar Active Member

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    I've played all these games since TA originally came out, whippersnapper ;).

    The complexity supcom2 took out was less total units and WAY less total resource structures. Controlling the game itself is just as difficult as any of the other games, and more annoying at times with all the activated abilities (which I'm glad are gone, for the record).
  17. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    So why not say that instead of misleading everyone with your prior statement? You did say "how complex the game itself is" after all ;p

  18. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    No current plans to do anything on console.

    As has been pointed out the control mechanism issue is a big one. Perhaps the PS4 controller with the touch pad will make it more feasible.
  19. kmike13

    kmike13 Member

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    The supcom 2 controls on an xbox controller were amazing, the game was unpatched and full of game breaking glitches.
  20. Neumeusis

    Neumeusis Active Member

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    I higly doubt so.
    Seems similar to a standard computer touchpad (you know, the little clean surface with two buttons in front of laptop's keyboard that nobody EVER used unless absolutly forced to ?).

    Even if it is multipoint, the size seems far too small to allow for near mouse actions and precision.

    By the way, this reminds me a friend that was arguing that she (yes, she) played better to RTS with the touchpad than with a mouse.
    Mouhaha, that was fun. So much easy wins...
    (but to be honest, was quite impressive with it. Never knew it was possible to do such things with this tiny little thing... Ineffective, but impressive...)

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