This happened to me twice today while playing Tank. On Spunky, out of the spawn, I hung a left under the tunnel, survived a little encounter, and BAM I am stuck and cannot move. I tried jumping and tank charging, and a friendly gunner was there and kept hurling his body at me. The entire time the screen is twitching and jittering all over the place, mostly up and down. Finally deploying over and over got me out. A couple of hours later I was in another match, Steel Peel this time, and the same thing happened, but out in the open. It was not affecting anyone else, and I do not believe it was a lag issue, because my connection seemed solid, and I could still fire and shoot product grenades (saved my life) reliably and without the normal telltale signs of lag. Once again dropping in and out of deploy seemed to fix it. To my knowledge the Tank was not in a K hole, nor was he all coked up.
BTW, Tom, I know we've only know each other 4 weeks and 3 days, but to me it seems like 9 weeks and 5 days.
I feel like I'm intruding. But that hasn't happened to me yet, and I've been playing me some serious MNC.
I had the exact same thing happen to me when I was a tank on Spunky. I was standing just beside our moneyball when I got completely stuck. I could turn in place and that was about it. A few seconds later I got unstuck for whatever reason.
Yeah this has happened to me a few time too as the Tank, no one else though. I happened to me once I finished being shot at by two Gunners while I was juiced, I managed to kill them but in the moments of me being stuck they re-spawned and killed me.