Complaint Filed

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by DistinctQuantic, November 8, 2010.

  1. DistinctQuantic

    DistinctQuantic New Member

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    Does this happen to anyone else? Getting complaints filed against you or your friends after a match? To me they aren't anything to fuss over, so I find it hilarious when myself and/or the group I'm playing with are accused of hacking, simply because we did really well, and they did relatively poorly :D

    Just last night SX and I were playing a match on Ammo Mule, just working on our protags and not really trying too hard. When we finally finished the game, some guy from the other team proceeded to "congratulate" the top four players on our team and said he was going to file complaints on all of us for hacking xD he said SX had unlimited boost as the tank and I had glitched in some way ^_^

    What else I find funny is the fact that he went 0/13 as a sniper. Now K/D isn't really that important to me in the long run, but it speaks a lot in matches like these because you can easily get one kill as a sniper in a 10-15 minute time span. Naturally, due to his lack of skill and poor attitude, he blamed his loss on us :roll:

    Now please don't mistake us for working on protags for playing TDM and not going for the game objective but focusing on killing pros. We merely didn't dominate the field and actually let them have some breathing room, and I would take care of bots when they got too close. We did, after all, have a fairly long match :]

    So anyone else have funny stories similar to this (I know a certain "yuck mouth" support that has got a few x]), or epic feats performed that the other team wasn't too happy about? :lol:
  2. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    My ability to upload pictures is limited so I'll just type out the game here.

    Hotshots win!
    Liefglinde 21-8-1
    Hotshot 3-0-14
    Hotshot 3-3-11
    Hotshot 3-1-17
    Hotshot 1-4-8
    Hotshot 0-0-22

    Icemen lose!
    Icemen 16-16-2
    Icemen 19-3-7
    Icemen 14-15-7
    Icemen 10-0-9
    Icemen 8-2-5
    Icemen 6-4-5

    I got multiple comments/message about how my score wasn't possible and that I must have hacked to win a game where my team did so bad.
  3. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    I don't see the purpose of it. It doesn't seem like bragging rights and it also doesn't seem like a useful tool...
  4. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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  5. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    I've only ever filed complaints against three players for cheating: an Assault who was on top of our base on Steel Peel, and two notable level 99 players...*coughcough**cough*

    Pretty much everything that still exists in the game can be chalked up to either skill or random glitches, thankfully.

    Also, I have privacy setting turned on, so if I ever get ragemail or the like, I'd never know about it. I've had enough lame messages playing scrubs in SFIV to turn me off of open settings completely.
  6. DistinctQuantic

    DistinctQuantic New Member

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    Niiice. I got a message after a match saying "good job u cheating whore" because I got the katana really fast, and he played a saddening assassin 0.o

    It's not supposed to be about bragging rights. It's veered mostly towards those "wtf... okay" moments (or hilarious events) where you induced rage for the slightest thing. If the thread dies and fails, oh well.

    Ahhh I see. Well if you can, please try to refrain from calling anyone out ;) , as this isn't the direction of the thread (maybe the title is a bit misleading?). I'm looking more something along the lines of "gunner deployed in my base and was shooting the MB while the shields were still up, I sniped/airstruck/headcrabbed him, he ragequit and said *insert rage-message*" or things that made you laugh in a lobby. Know what I'm getting at? Sorta broad, sorta narrow.
  7. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i know that since i started playing my avoided % has gone from 5% to 65%.
  8. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    My response to this entire thread:

    "Of course I was hacking. I'm a SUPPORT.
  9. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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  10. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    AHAHAHAH :lol: +1, these forums have some funny ones i tell you.
  11. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    Well, if you consistently do very very good, people will file complaints so that Xbox live will never put them in your game again. It happened to me a lot in Modern Warfare 2 and Halo 3.
  12. defiliation

    defiliation New Member

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    I'm on 86% avoided now I have been playing MNC :'(
  13. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    I do avoid players, not file complaints, for being too good (well, usually it's in rage mode so I choose too bad) so I can play against people more my size.

    It's a lot more fun, and I'm guessing it's why Ive only seen forum goers at launch and privates.
  14. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    I was in a game with some other 99's, and we got a message asking us to hack his level for him, and in exchange he would give us 11th prestige in CoD. I guess he assumed that we had hacked our own level (and that we were idiots, apparently).

    Most of my other messages tend to be of the "you suck, fag" variety, humorous when it comes from someone who placed low on the losing team. Haven't had someone tell me they were filling a complaint though, not since Modern Warfare.
  15. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Apparently I'm 48% avoided.
    53% Unsporting conduct.
    Quit early 14%, that's fine, I do that, I'm not going to play a game where my entire team is composed of half-wits.

    Since I never cheat or teamkill in any game, and consider it a point of pride that I do not, where the deuce did all these Unsporting conduct comments come from? :shock:

    But personally, I don't think the comments or complaint system does much if anything. Aside from forcing people to change their names. I think Microsoft just put it there to let players think they have some control over who they get matched with. Even though they don't. Especially since I have been matched with people in games that i told XBOX to avoid. :evil:
  16. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    I don't really know what the point of avoiding a player is, anyway. Avoiding a player seems to make it MORE likely that I will play against them in the future.
  17. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Last time I checked, Microsoft phrases it wrong when you're viewing your rep. For example, mine is somewhere around "80% avoided you, 20% preferred you or did not submit a review". This is obviously not the case, as it implies that over 80% of the people I play with submit a review on me. What it should say is "Of the people that submitted a review, 80% avoided you and 20% preferred you".

    48% is nothing to worry about, in fact that's quite good considering that people are much more likely to submit a negative review than a positive one. Mine is overwhelmingly "unsporting conduct" just like yours, which seems to be the go to review when you beat someone badly.
  18. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Yeah...Generally speaking, anyone that spams Unsporting Conduct and Overly Aggressive are just pubtards that can't wrap their minds around the fact that they suck. It's usually more of a problem with Americans due to how our society is so much more individualistic and so, SO very much tells the stupidest of people that they're in some way superior(see: how mentally-challenged are often treated).

    I just think it sucks :(
  19. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Yuckmouth Canadian here, and I love those kinds of comments, personally. I mean, it's disheartening to know that so many people out there are less than friendly, but people saying I hack/cheat/etc when I'm just screwing around brings a smile to my face. Not my fault I have experience.

    Plus, me and a couple of buddies (including Distinct) have a ritual response for someone that constantly spams hatemail, and it reads something like: D00dz, I'm so horny right now.

    They usually stop messaging me right after. :D
  20. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    I don't understand what "overly aggressive" is supposed to mean. I've gotten a couple of those reviews, and I would love to know what I did to be "overly aggressive," since I even rarely speak on the mic outside of my party.

    I wish there was a "needs more elementary/secondary education" type of feedback. Some of the xbl messages I get make my brain bleed.

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