Hi guys, the_killer here. I'm proud to announce that the Alpha competitive scene has become more organized. Our beloved Cola_Colin set up an organized competition with a strict set of gentlemans rules. I hereby present 4 matches out of this gentlemans league: Godde vs the_killer Cola_Colin vs MushroomMars Godde vs Cola_Colin Godde vs Googlefrog wtfitsnotbutter and TheWrongCat vs MushrooMars and Soldans Let me know what you think of the matches and the commentary. We are new to commentating, so constructive feedback is appreciated! Gentleman Rules: 1: Metal extractors go on metal points. 2: No building stacking 3: 1 barrier (wall) per defense tower. 4: No other obvious exploits.
Mushroomars vs SpookyDonus feat. Bespavel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_LO7c9tChc Here's my first cast, I'll be uploading to the realm channel as well once we go through the details and other stuff but for now all of everything is on my own channel!
Doing a 2v2 for this list together with Burntcustard. wtfitsnotbutter and TheWrongCat vs MushrooMars and Soldans Feedback will be much appreciated.