Hi all, I know the main focus is to get the game done but right now there's essentially 3 "points" of communication with fans. the forums, the kickstarter page and www.planetaryannihilation.com are all means of communication but if you look at e.g. www.planetaryannihilation.com there's no clear links to the forums and the "updates" section isn't exactly updated. Also the updates on kickstarter arrives much slower than in forums, and kickstarter refers to pla anni.com. It might be nice if a topic in this forum listing all podcasts done and upcoming ones along w other communication was maintained as a "1 stop information place" and that kickstarter and plan anni ( esp updates section there ) referred directly to it. Just a thought/suggestion because it seems there's a fair amount of, at least casual fans, having a bit of a hard time finding updates/information.
Call me a grumpy old man, but there was a time when all you'd hear about a game in development was a preview in a magazine, and it was usually wrong by the time the game was finished.
and you had 1 screenshot (probably photoshopped like hell) which was resized to fit on 2 pages and with little boxes in them where the jounralists guessed features of the game...
I agree with the fact that there's a lot of information coming out. My point here was not the lack of it...but that with "relative" minimal effort it could be organized a bit better. It's a bit sad that the information that's available doesn't make it out to everyone
I'm not clear on exactly what you are asking for. What is the minimal effort we could do to improve it?
Updates on Facebook, Twitch, Kickstarter, Youtube, Facebook, Forums, Dev Blogs, and occasional press interviews. The only thing left is to over spam everyone's email, which I definitely don't want...
I believe the OP was talking about how the www.planetaryannihilation.com site doesn't have any direct feeds on updates and news. For example, the 'Need more info?' section tells people to send uber an email, whereas it could very well point people here to the forums, even so far as pointing to the confirmed features, and FAQ threads. Also, the only updates are the kickstarter ones, and the biggest update locations (facebook, Google+ etc) are tiny little text items under the big video. You wouldn't look there for updates, since right under it is the big 'PROJECT UPDATES' - last updated in December.
Look this goes both ways. Either they link the planetaryannihilation website here with a cool banner called "forums". Or we tell the entire world about this game. Doesnt matter had fun. Maybe its a test, maybe they just want those who really look for this game, to find this place. Its our little secret... Shhhhhh
I think you're doing a great job communicating with the fans. Your engagement with the forums is stellar. The Facebook summaries are a nice touch for those more casually following proceedings. I'd suggest you copy/paste that Facebook summary in to regular Kickstarter updates or send out your own email newsletter since you have the addresses to hand. That way the non-Facebooking / non-Forumites can feel in touch.
If you're a casual fan and can't be arsed to come to the forums then you probably don't even care. Uber is doing fantastic so far with their level of communication.
*Cuts into the conversation* A big fat "Forums" button on the PA site would be a good idea. The amount of updates are great, but people dont realy know about them if the main site dosent say "Updates at the offical forums" or simular. View attached picture. (Sorry for the crappy buttons, used paint)
Pretty much this. I had trouble to first access the forums. Because for the life of me I can't find a way to access them from the KS or planetaryannihilation.com page. At first I had to do google searches to finally find the forum then the next few days I had to use my browser history and do searches in there to find back the links, until I decided to add a bookmark to end this madness. Other than this the communication is great. Great live streams, if you miss it you can get it later on youtube, no complains from me other than that missing forum link on pa.com.