Comments from pro FA players

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by pureriffs, October 24, 2012.

  1. pureriffs

    pureriffs Member

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    I would really love to hear some comments from the pro players of supcom/FA

    Dues like TAGROCK and the rest of his crew? Colacolin, Duris, Thebig/little one, Sir Loui,
    Mephistophile, Monarch,Lu_Xun, Testplay,

    These are just some random players i remember, would be good to hear some pro opinions on what should be included in the game!
  2. LordQ

    LordQ Active Member

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    They're probably busy FAing it up, but heck, that's a great idea. They'd be the most qualified to make comments on gameplay and whatnot in some ways.
  3. pureriffs

    pureriffs Member

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    If i had FA installed i would go find em and tell them to comment but i dont =(
  4. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Just install FAF.

    [PS:] Nobody tell him anything else. He clearly knows nothing of the current state of the game, and should go learn this for himself.
  5. godde

    godde Well-Known Member

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    Here is one of them:

    I reached the top 50 in the ladder at some point but I'm not sure if that counts.

    Although I don't think that FA players should hold any special privilege compared to other pro players in the TA lineage(OTA, Spring games like Zero-K).

    I bet that alot of pro players posting here without saying that they are pro players aswell.
    PA is a new game and every idea should be valued on it's own merit rather than the skills of the player presenting it.
    Player experience is offcourse valuable for determining the benefit of different ideas and features.
  6. pureriffs

    pureriffs Member

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    Thats what i mean, i would like to hear their opinions,

    I remember funkoff, u were good, better than me lol, i was Aeolian

    As for FAF i did install it a bit back but cant be arsed to relearn all the stuff, thanx for the friendly post :s

    I just see this PA as a lot of management of microunits and it seems people here dont want higher level units such as tech 3, which i find strange :s and i assume its coming from the TA community more than FA, I am not so fussed about experimentals.
  7. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Just lurk more. People are always posting silly ideas, that involve lots of micro.

    Tell me how many times any of the developers have mentioned micro-intensive ideas or mechanics.

    Basically, all I'm saying is calm your tits and everything will be much better than what you're making it out to be.

    [EDIT:] titties is a cuss-word, apparently.
  8. pureriffs

    pureriffs Member

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    It just frustrates me a little bit.
    I recently started playing diablo 3 and mechwarrior online.
    And the devs seem to come along and listen to any idiot who has prob not even played the franchise. I watched them listen to these random suggestions and then when every1 who actually played d2 and 3 saw it they hated it. Including myself.

    I just dont want the wrong message put across here about having less tech levels and most probably less units. And this is not speculation they talked about it in one of their interviews.
    They have already admitted they only wana make one faction.
    Which is totally ******* lame and just a shortcut.
    I know they gotta be cost effective and will still produce something that kicks starcraft in the nuts but I want it to be as indepth as the previous games 
    It just seems if ur gonna have this huge solar system thing going on u gotta cut back elsewhere.
  9. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Really, there isn't a problem with one faction. If there is a lot of units, it will be about what units you choose to use. Nobody wants to be bound by a faction, and it be about what faction they are and what they are bound to and how to counter it best.

    It would be like there were two factions, and you get access to both faction's units, is what the idea is. You want offensive versions of units and structures, then build it. If you want defensive versions of units and structures, then build it.

    Also, it does in fact save a lot of design time. I bet all of the gameplay will take a long time to get to work.
  10. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Funny you mention me like 2nd in your list of "pro" players. There are so many people who are so much better than I am :S

    Also I have been spamming the forums on my Anti-AI Conquest a while ago, just read older threads :p

    However I dont think that anyone could give a really meaningful comment about PA, since it isnt playable yet. Thats also the reason why I am not really writing alot here anymore: There is just nothing to discuss apart from the funny ideas people come up with.
    So lets just wait until alpha/more updates so we actually can discuss about the game.
  11. arkounay

    arkounay New Member

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    During the Kickstarter's ending live stream even, I saw Tag_Rock in the stream's chat, who helped me asking if there was going to be a leaderboard / ranked match (unfortunately the devs couldn't reply :D )

    I just wanted to say, it's really nice to see all of these good old' SupCom players around here :D (For the record, I was ZaTi there in GPGNet)

    I hope this game will have a community that's as good as SupCom's, and I hope the devs will listen to old SupCom pros about balancing, that's pretty important to me.
  12. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Well I would say to take the 'advice' from the 'pros' with a grain of salt.

    Particularly in the case that the games engine is still being made.
  13. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, it's not like anyone from the TAG clan successfully made the transition to SupCom after all. :)
  14. pureriffs

    pureriffs Member

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    Dont you guys think more tech levels and unit/building diversity is a good thing?
  15. LordQ

    LordQ Active Member

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    The developers are doing 2 tech levels. It's not even up for discussion Pure.

    Of course, unit diversity is a must.
  16. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    So there could be more then 2, its just CURRENTLY planned to be two when he posted that message (Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 5:24 pm).

    I would say that it is up for discussion. People need to take the confimed features thread with a grain of salt, often the link they give to the "confirmation" just says something simular to "its very likely".
  17. LordQ

    LordQ Active Member

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    Haha, yeah, I probably was taking it a little too easily. Probably because I actually do want to see 2 (primary!) tech levels.

    But I do maintain my stand of old that if you want to have tech levels while maintaining unit diversity and unit usefulness on all maps and at all times, the ideal number is 2.
  18. planetarynoobilation

    planetarynoobilation New Member

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    Does it matter how many numerical levels there are concerning tech? you can fit a vast number of diverse units in 2 tech levels.
  19. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Me myself would like 2 tech levels, i just wanted to point out that its not as set in stone as people think.
  20. chronoblip

    chronoblip Member

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    I would like to point to a tangential but parallel article talking about competitive driving:

    The main thrust of the article is that it would be bad to take advice from someone whose driving style doesn't suit your inherent talents. The key is to instead figure out what your talents are, and then find drivers who have similar style, and then learn from them.

    That is why this conversation is somewhat pointless at this time, because nobody has played PA, so it's impossible for anyone to know what strategies they're good at, so it's also impossible for people to then find others with similar play styles to learn from. It's then also impossible to talk about balance of mechanics because what did/n't work in one game may or may not apply to this one as well.

    When the alpha starts and we've got stuff to tinker with, then we have something to work with. Till then, nobody outside Uber and the 10k backing level is an expert, and the experts are tight-lipped because of the level of scrutiny that any post they make goes through.

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