I understand the idea of he needs to survive early on but i just had a commander walk into my secondary base and destroy all of it after taking out 4 laser towers and a small army of tanks. No. Just no lol. I get that he needs an offense but it shouldnt be THAT effective.
On top of that spawning within t1 radar range of other players in the game (last game all 4 of us were on one side of the planet t1 radar range between us, I mean come on). It seems like limiting us to 2 spawn points is making it worse imo
It's good that comanders are OP, it means they will actualy get used. Too often hero units in RTSes get left behind because you lose if they die, and they are only slightly stronger than normal units. Without powerful weapons, comanders are just shitty engineers that you have to keep out of harms way. Now they are valuable heros, esp in team matches where you can actualy have them lead an attack. More Agent Tanya and less Jim Raynor.
Personally I would be happier if his guns power was reduced a bit and he got a major health buff which he needs, his health is far far too low.
Don't clump your tanks together. It needs a little bit of micro, but the commanders ubergun only has a small aoe so if you spread out you can take him out. At least, I do. :mrgreen:
Honestly it should be the other way around. Using your comander ought to be a calculated risk. Reducing the damage output would reduce the reward, and increasing the health would decrease the risk. Making the choice less intresting.
He seems mostly balanced imo. He is a little strong early game but being aggressive early with the commander loses you efficient build power early on which affects your early game eco and development.
But a couple T2 bombers can destroy a commander in 1-2 passes even with anti-air, commander has far too low health.
Maybe Uber Cannon should be less effective against structures? That's a little arbitrary though, not sure if it would sit well in this strain of RTS.
His main gun's fire rate should go down but the damage should stay. Also he needs some regen, not sure if that is even implemented yet.
Ugh. What's the point of even having a comander then? Might as well just start out with engineers like any other RTS. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrXLxNcsDKc watch this video before you talk about what comanders should and shoulden't be doing. If you remove comander bombing or give them more hp and less offensive ability, or try to invalidate comander sniping, you turn this game into endless tank blobs. That's not awesome. Turning the tide of battle because the enemy left his comander unguaded is awesome. Sacrificing your comander into the enemy base to take out his economy is awesome. Brickish comanders with pop guns that just sit in the back while blobs of tanks do all the fighting is not awesome.
I'm going to second the regen request. Sure, have it be really slow and cost energy and maybe turn off his radar or whatever, but when my commander takes a drubbing I am usually way too busy to dig up and assign a construction unit to him. On the other hand, having an Idle Engineer button, with the unit order prioritized by proximity to center of the screen (or some close analogue) would mostly solve this problem and be pretty handy in general. 1) Commander gets hit by attack 2) Idle Engineer -> Assist Commander 2a) Engineer one screen away rolls over and starts repairing commander 3) Go clean up after the attack I wonder how hard it would be to whip up an idle engineer button given the available UI options...
Seriously, if you can't be bothered to micro REPAIRING YOUR ******* COMANDER than you don't deserve to win.
I actually really like that you have to grab a few Fabbers to repair your Commander. He already repairs with ridiculous efficiency, as the Commander unit costs even less than a T2 factory. If you are able to distract the enemy Commander after a large attack in which he took damage, maybe with a botflank, you might be able to squeeze in 1 or 2 T2 Bombers for a snipe, before he repairs.
The commander has been very well balanced in the latest patch, his slower speed, and removing of the radar, even though annoying at first, makes him very well balanced. The Uber gun, shooting every once in a while at random. (thats how it feels) Makes it so much more fun, and a bit more luck based... (It adds an Uber flair to it) The commander as is, is very powerful early game, as he should be, and as weak as he should be late in game. (if you are not protecting him very well, he'll get killed very easily) Your constructors / engineers, make him as OP as he should be, or as bad as the player playing him. (Devs, for now, please don't change the commander, he is great the way he is)
well, here's my opinion main uses for commander Pushing back close spawns Defending weak attacks/t1 attacks and well, that's about it typically when i see an enemy spawning right next to me, often they build artillerie, and i have no other units strong enough to attack static defences and artillery, in this situation, when bases are close, commander is quite powerful, when bases are far away, you are risking your commander, the enemy will continue building defences, units etc while your commander is walking, he will be cut off, if he takes just a couple of hits from any unit other than enemy commander, the enemy commander will have an advantage, and be able to destroy it defending weak attacks once large amounts of t2 units come into play, they can wipe your commander out in a few seconds, even 2 or 3 t2 units micromanaged can do significant damage to a commander, though normally people just walk units at them, the commander is quite necessary for defending weak attacks, especially early game, without it, it would be too easy to cripple your enemy early, right now if you want to do that, you have to avoid commander, manage your units and attack unprotected areas, as it should be is commander too powerful? perhaps in certain situations, such as close spawns, though it is necessary in those situations also, and the enemy will have their commander nearby also. otherwise no
Calm the hell down I didn't say the ROF should go down by much, just a little. I didn't say anything about the HP, I think it's fine but it should have a little regen. Maybe 10 hp/s or something (considering a 10k hp com). And no com bombing is not awesome except in cases to get a draw. It's sort of the meta of the game as it is right now but I think it's pretty silly. I believe team armies should be played like a normal annihilation but with shared armies/economies. Otherwise there is absolutely no reason to not rush all but one of your commanders to enemies to take out their stuff at the beginning of the game. If their commanders spawned together you win the game in a few minutes with absolutely no skill. It's just cheese. These games aren't about cheese. Commander sniping is great, I fully support that tactic. It should be more difficult than it is currently though, once t2 air gets balanced I think it will work itself out. Also if you're complaining about endless turtle fests artillery/nukes/catapults should solve this when they are fully balanced and implemented. You won't need to sacrifice your commander because he is a decent bomb. That should eject you from the game. It's not luck based, the uber gun fires when you manually target something in range. And you want something luck based? In an rts? Luck based stuff is for party games.
Rushing all but one comander in the start is just asking to get sniped midgame. The game's meta does not encourage it. The fact that comanders are a non renewable resource that can be used to great effect makes team armies games much more intresting. Without comanders, this game pretty much devolves into "Who has more tanks."
even if the gun is op he will explode on death killing anything near him so you can use him as a walking nuke to destroy an enemy base so if he falls of late game he will still have an use since the you will mostly have out ranged his use by then late game even more when you get to fly to other places in space but he should have a little more health 2 bomb snipes is just to weak if i tech rush then i win did it twice its easy win and boring as hell glad there is no scoring