Hello everybody, As the title suggests that this is a thread about commanders. I just thought people could post their ideas on the new Delta commander and the future Theta. Here to start it off: The Delta Commander has those engine like shoulder equipment that by what UberEntertainment has said so far do nothing. I was thinking that those could maybe allow the Delta commander to navigate through space. Sort of like a Transformer. And the engine can also be what is special about the Delta Commander. While other commanders might be able to do something else, the Delta Commander could fly through space. But might maybe have decreased health or armor AND it would probably very slow travel. Another "specialty" for a commander is a bunker mode for the Theta Commander. It could hunker down on the ground and take little to no damage. But it wouldn't be able to move anywhere or do anything while in that position. Just a thought.
As far as I understood it all commanders are the same. They just look different. Before you start a game you can choose some costomizations for your commander but every player can choose from the same weapons/passive abilities. If that is in fact the case all the things you suggest must be pickable for every commander and not be dependant on how they look. Yellow
There is a lot that can be done with commanders. However, it seems better to put the effort into units that everyone can use every game.
I have to agree with what has been stated thus far. This isn't an F2P type game where paying money nets you a really cool looking asset that is ALSO ridiculously good in-game. While I am all for being able to pick your commander type at the beginning of a match, or being able to enhance your commander like you could in SC1, these options should be available to all players.
Poor knight... no one seems to read your posts xD And this is so not the first time I've senn this happen. You seem to be ignored quite a bit Yellow
All I can do is have the info available and point people to it, the rest......well it can be frustrating but welcome to the internet! xD Mike
I wish people actually read the part where neutrino said that all commander abilities would be available to everyone.
Exactly! Have a little faith, these guys know what they're doing. I for one think the kinds of abilities they are talking about won't be much different from how the ACUs differed in SupComm. Nobody I know of had any problem with those. I mean hell, there were four different armies to balance in that game. Now they just have to balance 5 primary abilities and 5 passives... More or less. That is a silly thing to get worked up about if you ask me.
As is the rules of the internet Read first few lines Write and rant all over internet with out ever reading anymore into it Loop until rage quit lol
I have to say I am impressed with your diligence in providing information to everyone when so often the thread goes on with a debate that information would have settled. Many times ill see someone posting who seems to have missed something covered in an update or a previous thread. I’ll go to post what I know, but more often than not you have beaten me to it!
Eh, I just seeing it as paying back for all the enjoyment and such that I feel PA will deliver on, I worked with SupCom for 6 years(6 years still feels so hard to grasp you know?) but I never really had a chance to kinda "pay it back", I payed less than 100$ for SupCom and FA and in return I got thousands, maybe tens of thousands of hours out of it, feels like stealing you know? Mike
I know what you mean. I have to say I spent far more in this than would be considered wise given my budget but I wanted to contribute to something like this as much as possible. I can't program or mod (but I do want to try learn) so outside of community input that was the best way for me to support (that and convincing people I know to contribute as well). The same goes for a few of the other crowdfunded projects I have supported, they pretty well fall under this catagory.
This has been driving me nuts. Part of me hopes Uber just changes the plan and there is no ability variance so people will quit crying about it.
Hopefully not too large a part of you It'd suck if Uber killed a feature every time someone whinged about it. I think it is admirable that they are sticking to their guns and giving it a go rather than doing the easy thing and dropping it.
Thanks for the info on this, gives me a very much more clear idea of how they'll handle it. I'm glad it's not going to draw too much focus on commanders with so much else to play with. Don't get me wrong I like the premise of a commander, adds a great personal element to the game and acts kind of like an avatar for yourself. Often loosing a commander is at best a massive set back if not instant defeat. I like the idea of a sort of balanced approach for commanders, giving them some clout but not enough to be a one bot army. After all they are made to lead not to bleed. The idea of different weapons choices and passive abilities could really compliment a player's style and such. I mean I'd love the ability to use jump-jets for a crafty getaway or alternative to using air transports. Though it may be a bit overpowered, guess I can still dream x3