Commander Prices: Too much?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by tehtrekd, May 23, 2014.

  1. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    So with the new update came new stuff (water is also wet).

    Among this new stuff were three smexy new commanders that can be bought through the armoury.

    The question though, is "Is 5, 10 and when the sale is over, 15 dollars really an okay price for a skin?"

    Five dollars I can understand, but these are sale prices, so should a skin really enter the double digits in terms of price?

    Now of course I'm not part of Uber and as such I don't really know how much a commander costs to make, but I find it doubtful that they couldn't turn a profit by selling them at $5 each, minimum.

    What do you guys think?
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    For me... I wouldn't buy it – mainly because I like the Commander I already have.

    But if you think it's too much, then don't buy it. For some people it's worth it, other people it isn't worth it.
  3. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    This is one of the things I was afraid of when it came to microtransactions. Absolutely no one should be paying over $5 for one textured model. So yes I agree that $15 is waaay too much.If it was a pack of models that would be a different story.

    Seriously we already paid outright for this game and it's not f2p (thank god) so why the heck should we be paying this much extra?
    killzone5017002 likes this.
  4. RMJ

    RMJ Active Member

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    well for me the absolute limit is 5$. it was the same in TF2. 5$. But again thats just me.

    Even thats pushing it. i can get full indie games with many many hours of gameplay for 5-10$ :p
  5. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    As I said before, we have already paid a decent amount of money for this game, so why do microtransactions have to be involved. If they need extra money then work on some proper addons, and not take the cheapskate route by charging us this ridiculous amount for single models. Colour me not impressed.

    Uber please do not take the dark route known as microtransactions. DLC with decent amount of content ok, but not microtransactions.
  6. eroticburrito

    eroticburrito Post Master General

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    I probably wouldn't buy them at $5.

    It's just a bit pricey... And it would be cooler if we could earn things by playing, rather than just buying them. Even if you had to unlock ranked things which you then bought (at a slightly lower price than $5 or more a pop).

    That they're instantly on sale suggests to me that Uber are aware what the upper end of people are willing to pay - and it's not $15. It's like when you walk into a supermarket and everything's perpetually on sale. Not like a Steam sale lol xD
    Last edited: May 24, 2014
    keterei likes this.
  7. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    I most likely wouldnt either. Am just trying to show how greedy this is.

    Quote Nic 2014: "Uber you were the chosen ones. You weren’t supposed to pollute the saviour of the rts genre with that microtrasaction filth"
    mot9001 and eroticburrito like this.
  8. tohron

    tohron Active Member

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    Eh, I view it as a question of how much goodwill you have to the publisher, and how much you have to spend. $10 is the same amount as an upgrade from beta-access to the Progenitor comm, and I liked the look of the Spider commander. Now that I have it, there's no reason to buy anything else.

    Ultimately, if it's not worth it to you, you don't buy it. This only becomes a problem when a sizable fraction of developer time is spent on the microtransaction DLC, which doesn't seem to be the case here.
    drz1 and Murcanic like this.
  9. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Pretty much this.

    Grabbing one you want, for 10 and 15 dollars, shouldn't be a problem. I feel bad for the people that just want them all though. I may end up wanting a lot myself, but I have paid 5 dollars a month for subscriptions so 1 every 2-3 months isn't bad.
    igncom1 likes this.
  10. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    Slightly offtopic, I just realised that these commanders are some of the ones designed by the extremely high tier kickstarter backers.
    Murcanic likes this.
  11. Methlodis

    Methlodis Active Member

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    For the price this really isn't worth it on any level. Many other F2P games usually charge $1 dollar or so for a single in-game item (sometimes even less), and $5 when its a pack of them. This is usually pretty good for the game and the consumer.

    $15 is absurd. And for a game I payed to play. Locking away some content as DLC is one thing (which I can argue against aswell), but $15 for a single model that doesn't effect gameplay in any way is absurd. I can go to Skyrim and Borderlands and get an entire expansion for those games with a dozen hours of extra conent for the same price.

    And if there is an argument that its to be used to fund the game, I don't agree. The funding for the game had been done. The devs have been selling the product for full price. And these have not been stated to use the profits from this for development costs. It's asking fans for more money, for much less content than they've already payed for.

    People may say that you don't have to buy it. But the people that do, don't have to be ripped off.

    Are the prices being posted by the backers?
  12. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    KNight's Custom Commander Adventure - Backers Lounge
    Last edited: May 23, 2014
    Methlodis likes this.
  13. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    Somebody probably paid $1000 to have each one made. $5 is definitely worth it to some people.
    Quitch and Murcanic like this.
  14. Methlodis

    Methlodis Active Member

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    People payed $1000 dollars to help support the development of the game. Not just for a skin or model. Saying that, they did also get the chance to get involved with the development of the game by getting the devs to create their own commanders, which is indeed cool.

    The prices are still to high for any serious micro-transaction market for the game. Though if its those backers that are setting the prices. Well hopefully we'll see a price drop for the demand. If that's how their going to approach a player driven asset market.
    Last edited: May 23, 2014
  15. Nothinglessness

    Nothinglessness Member

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    I wouldn't buy it, these commanders are like little specs on the maps, and no one really cares about your commander looks like. This ain't tf2, there's no gamble to get a rare commander.
  16. Pinworm

    Pinworm Active Member

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    It boggles my mind when companies offer cosmetics for sale for expensive prices. Planetside 2 was the absolute worst, their entire marketing and sales department should be fired and never hired again for that travesty.

    Sell useless cosmetics for 2$. You will make more. The end.

    More than 5 dollars is an absolute insult to your customers. I personally don't care because I won't buy them anyway - I'm sick of being insulted by free to play models that don't offer me value for my money.

    Cosmetics = under 2$. 5$ MAX, and that better be a nice package.
    Nicb1 likes this.
  17. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    Pretty much summarises my thoughts on the issue at hand.
  18. Murcanic

    Murcanic Well-Known Member

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    OKAY GUYS, sorry I thought caps might get your attention, uber has already given us a bunch of free commanders to pick from find one we like and use, they could have just given us one then made us buy any other com skin but they didn't. Also these are the commanders of the 1000$ backers that's a big deal that these guys are letting us buy into them for such a small fraction of that price.

    as for those who want every commander if it means that much to you buy them all if not then stop whining xD for everyone else find the one you like the most, get it if you don't already have it (if you are willing to buy it) if you are not willing to buy it then find your fav among the free ones :)

    Please keep in mind they had no obligation to make these commanders purchasable but they have, so if you like them and have the money and want to spend it on the coms then great ^^ I hope you enjoy, however for everyone else who isn't willing to pay, just imagine it was never released to be purchasable and move on with annihilating everyone you meet no matter what com they use :)

    *Edit uber also gets some more funds to help make this game even better during the process so double yay for the people that want more coms and a better game?
    improvised1, lokiCML, Quitch and 2 others like this.
  19. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    I know people that have already bought all three, so there is definitely a market for it. It could be a very small market, but it's still there. In general I don't thgink I agree with the idea that backers and fans have a say in business decisions like this. We supported the game and for that we are able to be involved in making it, but we don't get to run their business.
    lokiCML, Quitch and cwarner7264 like this.
  20. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    I dont mind the fact that the $1000 backers made their commanders purchasable. What I dont like is the crazy prices and the fact that Uber may be tempted to indulge in these practices as well.
    Methlodis likes this.

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