In close spawn games with teams you'll just get two commanders walking in healing each other and shooting and killing everything. It's nearly impossible to produce enough of anything to win against this and if you're lucky and you and your mates spawned together you can match them but then you've got two commanders in your base ready to boom. There's got to be some limit on healing. Pwr restriction, something.
Well first every unit you have healing is draining from Eco it in no way is free. Second yes two commanders chain healing is very power full with the fact that they are the most efficient builders in the game. Meaning when two commanders come at you eraly game you need to either have 2 commanders your self to counter or enough fabricators to repair yours plus combat units to deal extra damage. Yes if you split spawn you're at risk of being sniped out and to prevent your com from being rushed you need to be scouting making sure you see it coming, because if they manage to walk 2 commanders up to your base well you have done some thing wrong. Defensively its also very power fully but that's fine its a strengths you get from spawning together but you are losing out on eco potential to do so.
How much does a Commander repairing a Commander do, anyway? 2% of 12,500 hp (250/s)? If you had a Commander and 3 ants, you'd do 276, but the Commander being repaired can destroy an ant every second. How many factories does it take to produce more ants than that Commander can destroy?
That almost reads like a tong twister. I am not entirly sure how repairing works if its a 1 mass spent is 1 hp or not. If it is the same as its build rate it would be 30 per second, but I am not sure on that.