I hear tell that Call of Duty has some sort of make your own symbol and everyone with swastikas and penises and other such "shocking" are getting banned or whatever by Microsoft and the Call of Duty makers (i forget who they are and don't care in the slightest). My question is, is Uber and Microsoft going to take action against anyone whose club tag is something like Nazi or **** or something like that? I doubt I'm giving anyone ideas because it is so obvious. I was just wondering if there has been any discussion about that.
I guess you are new to this whole clan tag thing. There is an offensive text thingy where if you try to use certain words and symbols that can make a word it won't accept it. This is a pretty old and standard thing for Microsoft since XBox1.
I was toying around with my club tag (since I'm kinda stuck with it) and had [T_T]. They I tried to find something to fit the fourth character and I found a letter that made it look like my club tag was giving the bird.