Climbing/Standing on walls intended?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Palmer_v1, September 9, 2010.

  1. Palmer_v1

    Palmer_v1 New Member

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    I'm starting to see an increase in classes jumping on top of the narrow walls that abound in each arena. I'm wondering if this is something Uber Entertainment anticipated, or if it's an unintentional consequence of the level geometry. To be clear, I'm talking about the relatively normal walls that surround each spawn, and define a lot of the corridors/rooms through each arena.

    Personally, I don't really like it as it seems to skew the balance in favor of some classes over others, as well as general game balance. For example, it's not even a possibility for Supports and Snipers(Yes, I know they are OPed in other ways, not here to argue about that). Assassins also have to use a special ability to accomplish it in most cases. In addition, people walking on the walls are now essentially immune to freeze traps, most Assassin abilities(grapple, lunge, melee), Gunner/Jackbot Slams, and Ejectors. They're also able to reach firing angles that allow a much greater area of map control, particularly in regards to spawn camping, and killing turrets from safety. All in all, I think Gunners benefit the most from this.

    These aren't insane heights like the glitching Assaults/Assassins reach, and the Pros are still able to be shot, but they can simply drop behind the wall to safety before they die, making it a relatively risk-free stunt to pull.

    The only real way to deal with it currently is to do it yourself, and I really don't want to see this game devolve into a bunch of people shimmying across tightropes all the time.

    I'd really appreciate an official comment on whether this is going to be fixed at any point in the future, assuming Uber even sees it as a problem to begin with. I also welcome any comments from other posters. Thanks for reading!
  2. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Having your spawn camped by guys who you can't even see until in firing range (atop your spawn) and guys who are standing on the glass outside your spawn is irritating as hell. You don't even need a lot of skill to set it up, so long as you don't mind taking a couple of hits lemming rushing the base.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You can go back to the first cast, if it's still there, and see Logan (XShadowStormX) standing atop a wall on Steel Peel. So if a Dev is doing it then it must be intended.
  4. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    I LOVE doing this. My fav place is right on the middle doorway. i get killed up there alot too so i don't really think its explotative. Does kinda suck not all classes can do it though.

    It is no harder to kill a guy up on a wall than it is on the walkway. Also if you shoot them they can either eat the bullets and die or get off the wall so it's not really a big deal imo. All it takes is an airstrik or assualt's grenade to get them off the wall. Although as a Gunner you can jump off and just float right back on. Which is pretty fun to do. ;)
  5. faits

    faits New Member

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    Yeah, the devs have confirmed that this is not a glitch or an exploit. I believe they said it was just a natural result of how the unreal engine handles the geometry, so for better or worse it's in the game.

    It is kind of dumb looking, but oh well.
  6. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I used to not like certain arenas until I started using the terrain to my advantage. I hate to say it but snipers have so much going for them you really can't say much about people being smart enough to avoid your traps. Maybe you need to learn to throw your traps on these ledges instead of standing on them to thwart assassins. Ledge walking also forces assassins to use their smoke bomb (which takes them out of stealth) if they want to grapple you.

    Gunners on high perches are easy targets for snipers. If you can't get a headshot you can harass them and make them retreat by getting a few body shots. Gunners are still the second slowest class in the game and have no dash powers.
  7. Palmer_v1

    Palmer_v1 New Member

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    Thanks for the responses. I was afraid it was an unavoidable side effect, and that seems to be the answer here. Still a great game, I just hope it doesn't get as bad as I fear.

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