If you make contact with Bullseye or bots with right stick's melee, you get a good chunk of juice. Was this intended?
its mentioned everywhere. ingame i believe. wiki. here. there. everywhere. i think its pretty much intended. may seem cheap, but its harder to do than healing 20 useless lvl 1 lazorblazors in the safety of your own base, or sniping 10 blackjacks at most (even assassins hafta kill more blackjacks than that for juice, and they hafta go into harms way to do it)
Ah, alright. I just had to ask since I've seen a lot of "hurr i went 30+ kills and 0 deaths im beast" on YouTube for this game. Consisting of only killing enemy pros and melee-ing a bot or two a few times for juice, it bothers me. Doesn't mean I don't see it the few times I play crossfire, either. Seems like a good idea and all for blitz, but this juice feature really doesn't carry over well to crossfire. (and I know that blitz came after crossfire)
You also get a nice chunk of juice from meleeing a downed Moneyball, which makes me wonder about turrets?... Juice works fine in Crossfire. Buying juice is what's broken...
I think the melee is the ultimate juice equalizer between all of the classes. It gives the same amount of juice if you hit a pro/moneyball/bot for all classes. In order to utilize it, you MUST be at/beyond the front lines of one of the lanes to use it to effectively build juice. (Since you won't be getting more than 1/2 melees on any pro before they own you).
Melee is far more useful than people think. It gives a ton of juice per swat, and does an inordinate amount of damage to the moneyball (while giving juice)! If you're not running at least silver rate of fire on your class, get in close, juice, and start smacking that moneyball. You'd be surprised what kind of damage it does. Hell, it'll probably do more damage than whatever else you had in store with your ghetto non-RoF custom class. Nothing funnier to see than a team of juiced pros curb-stomping a moneyball.
meleeing for juice takes about a minute. would you rather a sniper have juice from his own base in 30 seconds, a support having juice in his own base in 30 seconds, or any pro being able to juice out in plain sight and it takes him 1 minute? if you let a pro stand near your bots for 1 minute, get juiced. the only map this is even remotely acceptable in is lazorrazor (you can maybe hide in corners while meleeing bots), but even then you should be noticed by somebody... tho i could care less either way. if i could, id play juice-free mode. i just dont mind meleeing because i know i can stop them from juicing if they actually hafta leave their base to do it quickly...