Click and drag camera

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by acanthus219, June 28, 2013.

  1. acanthus219

    acanthus219 New Member

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    Hello all,

    Please forgive me if this topic has been covered. Searching for camera controls etc yields lots of lengthy discussion about panning, zooming, pitch, yaw. 3d mice etc.

    I've been playing the alpha and can't get over my urge to want to click and drag to spin the planet. I know that might sound weird, but for small camera adjustments I cant think of anything that would be more natural. It would be quicker than moving my mouse hand to the arrow keys and more precise than using WASD keys.

    My proposed solution would be to assign a hot key like the space bar or the tilde key that you hold, and then click and drag to spin away from your click point sort of like photoshop (albeit in 3D in this case)

    Anyone else like this idea? Has it already been suggested or even implemented into PA and I just don't realize it?

  2. FireDrakeX

    FireDrakeX Member

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    You can do this by clicking on the mousewheel and dragging.
  3. acanthus219

    acanthus219 New Member

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    Ah yes! So much better. It doesn't work in the current Mac alpha, but it's worth booting into my Windows partition in the mean time.

    Thanks!! :D

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