Anyone have tips on clawing? I've started it and my aim is a little erratic I'm on 4 sensitivity if that helps
Really, if you're hand is positioned right, your thumb should feel exactly the same, so I don't see why your thumb is feeling erratic. Also Grec, the main purpose of clawing is to fly, aim and shoot. Different control schemes don't change where your fly/jump button is.
also acceptable is the flat center part of the first joint. i do well with that, as well as i learned that from shooting.
I think it was the flying and shooting that made it seem like I was turning faster It's better now, and clawing really helps my tank and gunner
When you're in long range battles, focus more on aim than button pressing. Sometimes I move my finger up to the shoulder button when I'm in long range battles.
Here you go, Bamx2: ... D.54297600 2 extra programmable shoulder buttons, so no clawing needed.
Currently Unavailable. Pre orders sold out. DAMN YOU JEN. Actually, just darn you. Darn you to heck. I want that controller. The 'precision D-pad" might actually make Street Fighter IV fun. Tired of going to do Blankas ultra and jumping
Sorry 'Cake. I ordered mine the day they became available, didn't realize they'd run out. I won't get mine until the end of February though.
same here, cause i literally cannot claw without hitting the control stick or multiple face buttons with my finger >.>