class roles , custom classes , class guides , & your input

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by XJaeX, August 23, 2010.

  1. XJaeX

    XJaeX New Member

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    edit: im sorry about the spelling errors just bare with me.

    First of all this is a team game, the object is not to have the highest kd, although it is nice to have, keep in mind that you can still pull in that mvp with 0 kills. This is simply my opinions, they may not be the best however you can add what you would like to aid others who may be experiencing difficulties with the game.

    Class roles and how to be the best (class) you can be.

    Tank - the tank is best in close quarters but can also dish out punishment at long distance.(railgun) If you find your enemies backing away to limit the range of your jetgun, simply charge to close the distance, even though the charge may not kill or hurt them the jetgun with do its job and you will be rewarded. Stay near teammates if possible, maybe not for your sake but perhapse to aid them if they get caught in a fight they can't win, or even to give an easy kill/assist, and to break the enemy. "The mind is the best weapon" , so if you break your enemy and make them believe they can't kill your team, they will either back off, allowing you to deal with the turrets (tank is the best turret killer) or they could just keep coming back (free kills) and who doesn't like that.

    Gunner - as many people have posted the gunner is meant to regulate passage, meaning if you don't have a slip, your not coming in. Although the gunner than lay waste to most pros, this is a team game and moving your teammates further into the enemy base uncontested is a simpler solution. Defencively the gunner can stop pros and bots from entering your base or even leaving theirs. Offencively the gunner can do almost anything, if you truly want to get kills and even stop the enemy from defending at all, simply fly to the top of a beam or wall, lock down and stop them. Be extremely careful as a gunner because people can airstrike you or stick you, also do not get distracted, by the time you are there your team will have taken their base, so keep your eyes on the ball or the spawn point.

    Assassin - the assassin is meant to be exactly what her name is. assassin work best with teammates who have mics but even without mics you must be observant. She can be extremely dangerous if the person playing knows her role. She can eliminate turrets and pros with ease provided she goes about it properly. For turrets simply, cloak, shoot shurikens , repeat (cloak then fire = forced critical) or if you prefer melee, use B to stun turrets then attack, when the turret is no longer stunned , cloak to avoid death or being caught, then repeat when skill is available. For pros, (teammates with mics) simply be what you are, meaning assassinate, if your teammates give you a target , deal with him, so while he/she is fighting your teammates simply come up behind and say hello. With micless (<-word?) teammates simply focus on chokepoints and observe your teammates to see if anyone is giving them any trouble, or look for the top player on the other team , observe , when hes fighting someone , strike. This works well for tanks and gunners because alone the assassination would not kill them but if they are damaged by a teammate you will (a.1 shot them via assassination, b. save your teammate, c. give or get an assist increasing money for both you and teammate).

    Sniper - Snipers are underrated due to the fact that most people who play simply want the get kills, listen anyone can stay back and get 31508651 kills without dying if they are snipping. Even though that little ping sound is awesome, you could still go positive while helping your team. rather than sitting back and watching the map getting a few kills here and there, move up with your team, and stop your teammates from dying by providing cover fire, the enemy will be less prone to pop out and shoot your teammates if they know that there's a sniper watching their face. Hopefully if you irritate enough people using these tactics, they will switch to sniper to try and (pwn) you, making them easy kills for your teammates who are pushing into their base.Also try throwing down your ice traps near chokepoints rather than at your feet to prevent the enemy from ambushing your teammates.

    Assault - assault is by far the most versatile class , the are good at medium range and dangerous at close, but they can also force your enemy to think twice about doing something ( ie bombs or charge = buh bye ). Assaults are quick , powerful and are the only class that offers ADS (LT) increasing accuracy. Most assaults are lone wolves but the best travel in packs with teammates, because if you can kill someone alone, but have a risk of death, multiple bodies will eliminate the enemy with ease. Use your fly ability to quickly and efficiently cross the map, aid your teammates if they need help, don't be afraid to ask for help and you will be unstoppable. I will not go into further detail because almost everyone knows what to do with the assault, most of the classes have their role in their name. ASSAULTS = ASSAULT . nuff said.

    Support - support is by far my favorite class, he is not damage oriented however a slug or two from his shotty with kill you very fast but he strives at holding chokepoints(not allowing bots or pros to continue) keeping more powerful damage base teammates alive (gunner, tank, etc...) and his firebase makes the enemy rethink their rush. A good support can make or break the game, i believe that every team should have 1 to ensure victory. Offensively you can hack the enemies turrets (hack lvl 2) which either will kill their bots and pros or force them to kill it, costing them money, or crippling a segment of their defence. The easiest way to do this is to either have hack 3 (faster) and/or throw down your firebase to make the turret shoot hit while you hack giving you some time before you start getting shot or wait for your bots to move in and hack while it shoots them. A good support can be extremely dangerous during overtime due to the fact that he can hack their rocket turret while also having his firebase near the ball, having them both shoot the ball while you hold LT (with hurtgun) running around in circles to quickly kill the money ball, and score some juice while your at it.. Defencively he can keep your base alive while also killing any pros who try to sneak in . Also. he looks like mario, how can you not have him on your team.

    I am not sure if i will be able to post custom class because i don't know if i will have room, but if anyone has anything to offer or anything i missed in the above please post. I am sorry if you found it long but i hope you at least found it helpful. This is my opinion and is in no way right or wrong. Thank you and please if you could post custom classes, class guides or anything that could possibly help anyone who reads this thread .


    If anyone else would like help with something post or message me on xbl.
    gamertag = username
    i am a level 80 something right now and these are things that i have found.
    i am also aware of minor glitches and ways to get massive kills but may result in the enemy leaving and maybe a little bit of hate mail.
    note - i have not done this myself but i have studied it with my dummy account, and you can complete challenges (titles for kills etc..) in private matches. Also you can get rank by playing blitz.
    thanks for reading :ugeek:
    Last edited: August 24, 2010
  2. XJaeX

    XJaeX New Member

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    custom class examples.

    edit: custom classes. to get you guys started.
    these are the classes i use, i have all six custom classes.
    TANK-armor/reload/rate of fire or rate of fire/armor/reload or reload/rate of fire/clipsize
    GUNNER-accuracy/armor/criticals or armor/health/skill or clip/accuracy/criticals
    ASSAULT-accuracy/armor/criticals or skill/armor/health or armor/rate of fire/accuracy
    SNIPER-armor/criticals/skill or clipsize/rate of fire/reload
    ASSASSIN-rate of fire/armor/skill or speed/armor/skill or speed/skill/armor
    SUPPORT-armor/health/skill or armor/skill/accuracy or accuracy/rate of fire/clipsize

    each class has different uses.

    please submit any classes or help guys. or girls..
    not just for me but for anyone who could need help.
    i will post more stuff later on about different things including true gaming strategies and key points to get massive kills if you want them .
  3. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    I use accuracy/rof/reload for Assault. The accuracy lets me harass the other team from a distance while the rof (and to a lesser degree reload) lets me wreck my lane with the grenade launcher.

    For Assassin, I use skill/armor/regen. Minimizes downtime between assassinations and maximizes survivability when I fail/get spotted by a Sniper. I partner up with the same Tank every game, and he's entirely capable of laning solo and wrecking turrets when I keep Snipers and Gunners off him.

    I wouldn't put speed on any Assassin class, as you usually have gold speed by your second kill, which is anywhere from 15 to 45 seconds after you spawn.
  4. Galaxy010

    Galaxy010 New Member

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    Tank: Rate of Fire/Armor/Reload
    Armor Silver let's me survive good, but RoF Gold really helps with kill, especially with the Rail Gun. Reload Bronze for Death Blossom.

    Gunner: Rate of Fire/Accuracy/Armor or Crit
    I'm a glass cannon. You tear through stuff, you just die easy, so being defenseve is a must.
  5. XJaeX

    XJaeX New Member

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    thank you for your custom classes, does rate of fire actually affect the gunner? for the minigun at least, i figured it would speed up the bullet but only once the barrels are turning which takes a second or two.
    NOTE - using LT speed up that process
  6. Wutang85

    Wutang85 New Member

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    For Assault : Crit/Special/firerate or armor
  7. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    Gold: Armor, Silver: Skill, Bronze: Rate Of Fire.

    The reason for this is the way I usually play, it's alllll about the ATM Machine Of Death (Firebase). The armor helps you stay alive to support your firebase, keeps you alive while people try to kill you instead of your turret, helps survive other support's shotguns, and the rate of fire helps you gain that little edge shot-gun wise too. The skill of course is to lay your FB down faster if it does get killed, and so you can throw airstrikes quicker and hack more often.

    When the game starts, INSTANTLY upgrade your firebase and hack skills, and bolt out the door ASAP. Getting out of the door early is CRUCIAL. I usually go to the right (I encounter less people there for some reason?), while overhealing bots, and I go about halfway or more down the area, and find something like an overpass or a good corner where my turret will be protected but still see a good lane to rip bots apart, and any players coming through who will be forced to get close to it before shooting at it and make themselves vulnerable. Also this of course prevents other support from airstriking it.

    From there? Hang around your firebase. When enemy bots meet your team's bots, run up to the blackjack and grapple it (it insta kills it), and help your firebase and bots take out the rest. With every bot kill you're not only getting $10 (whether it's you or your firebase killing), but the bots drop great things like juice, and "Fleet Feet" as I call em, those things that make you run faster, which is HUGE. See, the firebase and hack provide you quick cash to upgrade all your other skills.

    Pretty quickly after doing this you'll have $400 if you don't buy anything else, and don't. Buy level 3 firebase. It heals you and teammates when they stand by it, and now you'll use this as your own personal healer to use when retreating. At this point, follow your bots in towards the ball, and throw your airstrikes at enemy turrets, and keep killing any bots you can. Eventually you'll be juiced, and you can pop that juice to run in and kill any players between you and a turret if there are any, and hack the enemy turret asap. When this is achieved, you win.

    What about other pros though?

    No problem. You should have all the extra speed you need from downed bots throwing prizes, and you can use that speed to close the distance on a pro and shotgun the hell out of em. Don't go too far from your fire-base though. Their natural instinct will be to run away, and when they get out of shotgun range, just retreat back to your firebase for a heal and deal with the situation from there. Alot of times I'll bait people into running back around the corner towards my firebase too, it's great! Sometimes near the turret I'll let it do the shooting while I hurt-ray them to keep my health up. If you really wanna mess with someone, throw an airstrike behind them after you bait them in. Their only two choices are to get chewed up by your turret, or run into a waiting airstrike, it's hilarious, LoL.

    After I've upgraded firebase to 3 and still have the lvl 2 hack, I do whatever the game calls for at the time. Alot of times I upgrade to a level 3 hack to help with the firebase (not to mention when you do die, your FB is alive alot of the time, so you can hack a turret in your base then get back to your FB to repair it up and fight some more). Sometimes I upgrade Support Passive so I can make the bots around me stronger and overheal them which helps push to the ball and all of that. Sometimes I upgrade airstrike if there's alot of pros around or they have alot of turrets I can't hack safely at the time. It really depends and you can upgrade whatever you want after lvl 3 firebase and level 2 hack. Sometimes I get bored and instead of upgrading after that I spawn bots or upgrade turrets at home. I actually have 69 Rock-It kills I think it is, which I get because all the extra cash your FB + Taunts gives you, allows you to do it! Put a lvl 2 shave-ice infront of a level 2 hacked rock-it, and now you're streaming cash from 2 places ontop of your kills. Any bots on your side die to your FB, and any bots on the other side die to your turret combo, and believe it or not that combo really hurts players! Soon enough you'll have enough cash to upgrade your rock-it to 3, and shave-ice. And assassins can't juice-rape your turrets as easily because even with juice they're slowed by shave-ice, and the juice helps but they're still gonna get pummelled by the lvl 3 + hacked rocket. Occasionally they'll wipe out both, but it's better to lose that than have your whole base wiped cause you only made lazers, imo. It doesn't matter, it's all extra cash at that point anyway.

    OH!! The reason this method makes the fire-base an ATM Machine in the first place is because after every kill, you taunt next to your FB. It heals you at lvl3, and you can keep repairing it while you're taunting. Infact, you can use your hurt-ray while taunting too, even though you can't see what you're raying. This is what nets you a ton of cash! You rarely have to worry about dieing while taunting, and when you do it's usually to an assassin if your back isn't to a wall, which it can't always be if you wanna get the taunt in in time. You have to taunt while their name is still up on the screen to get the post-kill-cash! If you do it too late, you only get like $5-10 or something like that.

    The only thing that does suck with this build, is if you don't get good FB placement right off the bat, it'll make the whole rest of the game alot harder. You can still use good placement and try to push, which will work but it'll go alot slower than if you get good FB placement right out of the gate. But when you get the hang of it? You'll take MVP almost every game. The only time you usually don't get it is if you're healing up a gunnr/tank/assault then retreating back to your FB while he massacres everything in his path, LoL.

    Hope that helps!!
  8. Floc Army

    Floc Army New Member

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    My setup for my sniper is:

    Gold- Rate of Fire
    Silver- speed
    Bronze- clip size

    Seeing how I don't have a team and most assassins only go for kills, I keep rate of fire at gold because I'm usually the one taking out turrets and bots and picking off opponents from across the map (duh) and trying to help my bots and team move forward.

    I am thinking about switching out the speed with something else. But it always nice having a little boost in the beginning so I can set up a few turrets and so I can get to my positions a little quicker.

    I have been experimenting with clip size and some other endorsements. However I cant really find one that fits for me, so I just keep clip size.

    I have been using this set up since my first custom class and I have been able to do wonders with it. But again I have no team, so I'm not sure how this would help in a legit team v team match.

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