Class Lockout/Limit

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by JPMaxx, August 22, 2010.

  1. JPMaxx

    JPMaxx New Member

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    I know people might be hesitant to consider this, but really, I personally am sick of one class teams or the majority of the team. Maybe not just one person per class maybe like a two person per class max (Except for the assassin, one only). This might even make the game even more balanced than it is, making people not to want to Nerf everything.

    (I am sorry if somebody already proposed something like this)

    Play Me some time :geek:
  2. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    What goes for one goes for all, if you make exceptions you'll only cause more cries of nerf/buff.

    I think it's fine the way it is. Any class is absolutely beastly when played correctly, but useless when not which is how it should be. If anything there needs to be more tutorials to teach people how to properly play classes and games.
  3. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    I hate games that won't let you play as the character you want to play. Even L4D's online was ruined for me because it wouldn't let me pick my zombie (I know, it was really necessary in that game, but still). I'm sorry that other people's choices affect your game play, but it's a team based game: either make your own party or deal with the team your given (or play blitz). Next you'll be complaining that playing with bad players on your team is ruining the game and demand to somehow put them into a separate matchmaking system.
  4. The_Support

    The_Support New Member

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    I don't think that would be a good idea. You should be able to pick who you want. I know you will get into a game with 4 Assassins or something like that every once in a while and it sucks, I know. Most matches that I am in, though people are pretty good about looking for how many of which class is being picked. People are catching on that this is a TEAM game and not a game you can just run around getting kills or TRYING to get kills and making your team lose. So I will see people switch their class if they see to many of the same class on the board. Just think it would suck to limit what you can pick and it would turn a lot of people off.
  5. cazoofoo

    cazoofoo New Member

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    I wouldn't mind if game makers had an option to do this that everyone was aware of in the game lobby so they could leave if they didn't like it. But it would be annoying if game makers were given an option as to the class restriction forcing everyone to play assassin for teh lulz. Perhaps there could be an option in the game making menu for say one of each class?
  6. Ownage Messiah

    Ownage Messiah New Member

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    With all do respect, go F*** yourself. Who are you to tell people how to play the game. If your faceing a whole team of assassins then learn to deal with it and if everyone else on your team are assassins then grow a pair and back out.

    Us men are blessed with rationality, learn to use it.
  7. Monty

    Monty New Member

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    Eesh, way to keep your cool there. You totally showed him.

    Like basically everyone else has said, this would be a game breaker for me. I really haven't ran into the problem of a team stacking up in one class, and the rare occasions that I do, I just leave that game and find a new one.
  8. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    This is a bad idea. Imagine you're one of the people who only plays with one class and has little to no experience with the others. You join a game where your class has already reached it's limit and now you're a burden on your team whereas otherwise you could still contribute to the fullest extent.
  9. cazoofoo

    cazoofoo New Member

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    Ouch! Mild tongue-in-cheek sexism...
  10. VawnOTheDawn

    VawnOTheDawn New Member

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    I find in most cases having 3 or more assassins is less desirable than 4 of any other class, actually.

    Sorry, but there's really no reason for something like this. Any team that's entirely or almost entirely one class is going to have a weakness you can exploit if you think strategically. I personally have no run into this in any game, but if it seems to be a problem for you get some friends together or form a team online and work on a strategy to kill teams like this.
  11. Medaforcer

    Medaforcer New Member

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    I think a class limit would be healthy for the game. I am pretty tired of playing teams made up for only support and gunner.
  12. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    You can't limit assassins specifically to one. That's arbitrary. Assassins simply have a bad reputation for people flocking to her thinking she's cool and EZ mode. All the other classes don't have this rep, but a one-class team can be just as ineffective as an all-assassin team (except for maybe assault since he's so middle of the road as it is, you just need to switch mindset to adopt to circumstances).

    If you do a class limit, be fair to all classes. I play assassin smart, but why can't I play assassin just because someone got to their class choice menu before me because of latency? Why do I have to be punished simply because everyone views my class negatively?
  13. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I can't speak for MNC but I have played Demigod for a long time. In Demigod we had a gentleman's agreement: no doubles on the same team. Most players accepted the *rule* and if two players wanted to play both the same demigod all other players had to agree. Worked like a charm.

    Of course you could not change your demigod midgame... :)
  14. Hackzilla

    Hackzilla New Member

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    I agree with the opposition. I think one of the biggest parts of this game is forming the team you want. That is the point of a class based game. It is just like an RTS or table top card game. You can use rush strategies, turtling strategies, etc. The goal is to make your strategy work best, or in the case of quick play (and not having a say in your team's strategy) work with what you have. The whole point of these games is to work together, not to fight with team mates over class. Find a way to balance the team, not run it. If you want bacon made right, you can't have too many cooks in the kitchen.
  15. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Class based shooters are nothing new. In those many years of them being around I have never heard of a limit per class in any single one game.

    The three most games that MNC is compared to doesn't even do this.

    "Adapt or Die."

    Although I can understand when in a public match solo it can be frustrating. I'd say the easiest and simplest way to fix this would be a Solo type match search. Similar to Mercenaries in CoD, where parties aren't allowed to join, just solo players.
  16. marcotte

    marcotte New Member

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    I'm actually for the class limitation. But only because current game glitches give snipers an advantage via an exploit that lets you fire through the glass. I don't hate snipers, I just hate snipers abusing game bugs, and I hate it even more when they've for 3 of the buggers lined up.

    And please, fellas, don't follow up with any of that 'adapt or die' crap, not everyone's fantastic at the game. But for the sake of roles and variety, no more than 2 of any class is really necessary.

    It's clear that there's a really huge schematic of Rock-Paper-Scissor in regards to which class trumps which, and for the sake of keeping that aspect in balance, and that alone, I endorse the idea.

    Sidenote: In a previous reply in this topic that made mention to the games MNC draws inspiration from, and that none of these games limit class selection - TFC does. But that's more of a server preference to keep too many people from using too many Snipers, Spies, or Engineers.
  17. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I wouldn't say this game is exactly paper rock scissors. If you play smart you can cut through rock with a pair of scissors.

    Class limits might be a good idea for public games, but most public games are stupid. I hate when I have losers on my team who go 2/24 for the match. Any team worth its salt won't have lots of any one particular class because it makes you a one trick pony.
  18. marcotte

    marcotte New Member

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    I don't think the harshing on people who are adjusting to the gameplay is entirely fair, and a bit off-topic for the subject at hand, UberGunner. We're not all great gamers.

    But on your second note, I agree - good Teams, and, more importantly, good Players, will embrace the teamwork aspect of MNC and use it to it's full effect. Unfortunately, expectations and results tend to be two different things, and it may be a necessary feature - but since they're going to change a LOT about how all the hosting goes on, and how you'll join in on games, I think that this will be a more personal option for Hosts.
  19. TheBohdizafa

    TheBohdizafa New Member

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    I don't think only one allowed of any particular class is a good idea. I think perhaps no more than three of any given class. On any balanced team I don't usually see any more than 2 of any class. However, I have witnessed and been part of groups of all support or gunner/tank that absolutely dominate. Often times they win in 3 min or less without upgrading abilities spawning bots or building/upgrading turrets. We just pushed the ball and won. I didn't have fun as the winning team and I am sure the losing team was pissed.

    The devs no doubt have data to see the effect single class teams and could come up with the proper limiters. All I can say for sure is that 6 of one class is far to unbalanced and limiting any class to 1 on the field would be a very bad idea.
  20. Silentblade4289

    Silentblade4289 New Member

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    I'm against this. The fact is everyone bought the game and thus, has the right to choose whatever class they want to. The devs shouldn't take that right away from the gamers who supported them by buying their game by installing a limit to number of players per class.

    Now, I wait to pick my class until after everyone else picks theirs so I can pick what my team needs. If I see there is already an assassin on the team, then I won't pick assassin even though I very much enjoy playing assassin. I only play assassin when no one else on my team picks her.

    I know being stuck on a team of 4 assassin's sucks. However, if they want to play assassin, then it is their right to choose to do so.

    I also think this could hurt the community as a whole. What I mean is that a lot of people may completely stop playing the game if they aren't allowed to play their favorite class. I don't know about you, but I want the community to survive for a long time so I can keep playing this great game.

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