chronocam + machinema film production thoughts and questions

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by paulzeke, July 13, 2013.

  1. paulzeke

    paulzeke Member

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    I'm really curious about how much data will be able to be drawn from the chronocam recordings

    It's been said that all data from the games will be plotted as a set of curves, to be replayed later. Does that go as far as Fcurves of animation data? Could one import a version of a PA chronocam file into blender or maya or 3dsmax? Could additional post-production be applied to the chronocam data, allowing video makers to add additional polish and complexity to the visuals? Or having layers for adjusting colors in comp?

    with the flexibility of this software platform it could become a powerful filmmaking tool. What if all those streams of data from the chronocam recordings were exposed, and manipulable? what if an Fcurve editor for unit animation was built using the flexible UI, enabling direct manipulation of unit animation during the gaming/filming process ....

    The tools could be modded in, the question is; can we access the needed code to make any of those far out ideas work?
  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Re: chronocam + machinema film production thoughts and quest

    Chronocam is working like normal replay, so everything happen in game will be present by chronocam like it was in game. As long as I understand server just store full log of use input, and calculations results for each event in game.

    Who said that? Can you give a link?

    I doubt game will integrate something like that, but I like the idea.
    Currently you can dump all OpenGL calls/data with APITrace and replay it on other machine with glretrace like a video. But it's slow down game and it's gigabytes of data per minute. :D

    But you can change any of GL calls, works like a charm for shaders performance testing. :)

    I still do think that video editing should be done with actual video editors. Valve are cool and rich, but Uber haven't tons of free time to create super powerful editor for in-game video. Yeah, it's easy when you got everything out-of-box in game, but that isn't 1st priority for game.

    At lease we can ask Uber about format specifications.
  3. paulzeke

    paulzeke Member

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    Re: chronocam + machinema film production thoughts and quest

    oh yea these ideas are far from what Uber are focusing on, and should be. This is all the realm of after release, modded ui tools. I'm a film maker not a programmer, so I'm just wondering what the flexibility for tool making will be

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