Chronocam: Basic mex remains when advanced mex built on top

Discussion in 'Support!' started by waterlimon, June 3, 2014.

  1. waterlimon

    waterlimon Member

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    When reviewing a game using chronocam after the match ended, I usually notice that when i hover my mouse over a metal extraction spot with an advanced mex, the basic mex is still underneath. So depending on mouse position, it will display either "Metal extractor" or "Advanced metal extractor".

    Its probably a problem with the replacement of a basic mex with an advanced one not erasing the basic one from the game when it comes to the recording.
  2. stevenrs11

    stevenrs11 Active Member

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    Actually, this is expected behavior- you build the advanced mex on top of the basic, and they both remain.

    Their models are actually designed to overlap.
    cwarner7264 likes this.

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