With the Chrono Cam since basically is a replay system will recored footage save to a certain folder or place on someone computer so they can use that footage to use as a youtube clip?
Footage? What footage? Chrono cam doesn't record any videos. It just lets your game display the gamestate anywhere in the past.
To be fair, chrono cam will be usable in replays, and effectively is the replay system, even if it doesn't record the video. I can see where he is coming from. Though OP, from past experience, games don't save replays in standard file formats, like Supcom2, which uses it's own peculiar format. For Youtube, record it with something like fraps or afterburner. Uber will have replays stored on their own site though, IIRC.
And to do that it has to record it. So yes, you could keep the recording, or just have it deleted, which is what I'm assuming will be the case if you don't want to see the battle.
Yeah, but it doesn't record footage. Anyway you seem to have it covered even though I think that OP clearly needs to put his thoughts together before posting. And your first response was even more cryptic drewsuser.
Since people prefer to argue instead of answering questions... The replay system will save in its own custom format, on the server that hosts the game. (Note, your own pc can work as a server too.) If you want to upload it to youtube, you have to replay it and record it at the same time (in real time) using a recording software of your choice.
It would be a very nice addition, indeed. Just had a funny ending on a match, minutes ago, and I would really like to be able to save the Chrono Cam of the game.
The intent is for all game replays to be saved on UberNet and then be accessible anytime in the future.
Personally I just get a system to record over chromo (I sue OBS) since it does what I think it was intended which was to see past replays but not saved on your computer.
This thread got a double necro. Died in June 2013, revived Jan 2014, then again after almost a year of inactivity.