Hi, I just signed up for Planetary Annihilation. Choosing a name is always one of the most stressful parts of signing up for a new service, especially if you have no idea whether you can change it or how important the game will be to you. (I chose a silly name when I signed up for Steam and 10 years later, I'm stuck with it, at least on the login screen!) First, some bugs. I got the Steam version. Upon starting the game, I was prompted to create an UberNet account. I typed in the name I use on Steam ("MaGi") and was told the name was already taken. Then I tried a bunch of other names and whenever I clicked the Create button, nothing happened -- the red text showing the name was taken stayed so I assumed all the names I tried were taken. I finally gave up and quit the game without creating an account. Upon opening the game again, I found that I was already logged in as "MaGi" -- my original choice. Then I went to log into the website with "MaGi" and I couldn't log in. Upon restarting the game, this time I was called "magiblade" -- my final choice when attempting to create an account. So I logged into the website and found that my name is "magiblade" and my display name is "MaGi". So, there are a lot of bugs with the sign-up process, including a surprise account creation without any confirmation, and also telling me names are already taken when clearly they aren't. Secondly, about the user experience. It's great that you give me a private name for me to log in with, and a separate display name that I can change whenever I want. (Same as Steam.) But had I known that before I created my account, I'd have chosen to use my real name for my private name, and "MaGi" for my display name. Instead, I'm stuck with a silly name I won't even remember. Please make the following changes to the sign-up page: 1. Let me enter my display name at the same time (so it is clear that there is a separate display name). 2. Make it clear that the display name can be changed, but the account name cannot. 3. Also make it clear that the display name will be seen by other players, but the account name will be private to me (so I can use my real name without worrying about other players being able to look me up in real life). 4. Show me whether an account name I have entered is taken *before* I click Create. This lets me experiment with names to see if I can find one I like without having to commit to it. This would make for a much easier sign-up flow. Thanks. Edit: Oh, I just realised that the forums use my account name, not my display name. I guess that rules out being able to use a real name for the account name then. (This is very confusing.) Edit 2: And now I've played the game and "magiblade" is also my in-game name. So where is the display name shown?