I've encountered this bug many many times with tank, assault and assassin. Sometimes you lunge/charge into an invisible wall like 3 feet in front of you which sucks when your trying to charge down a ball of bots or a pro. Can even cost you a match if your charging to get juice and an opponent gets there first which is what just happened to me. Is it just me or are other people experiencing this weird bug/glitch. All the servers this has happened to me on are <100ms ping.
Noone else encountered this bastard of a bug? I've had it occur in every single match with tank/assault/assassin and I doubt it's just me but when trying to cross gaps I hit an invisible wall and either fall into the hands of an enemy or waste my charge. It's ridiculous.
sometimes I'll get a charge or lunge that seems to go in slow motion and doesn't go very far but I can remember ever feeling like I just ran into an invisible wall are you sure there isn't something like a turret nub getting in your way?
I get this on occasion as well. It's happens rarely, so it's not been a huge problem. It can certainly get me killed though.