Lets face it, the commander should be a Badass MOFO. When you randomly see him on the battlefield the thought that comes to mind should be "Aw Fu***!" and not "Great! There is my target!". I was thinking since the dox is the main raiding unit, boombots can snipe a commander and most units in the beginning don't have a lot of health. Why not change the way the weapon of the commander works? Keep it the same DPS, by reducing the damage and increase rate of fire, it would make more sense wouldn't it? Also increasing the commanders health seems to be a good idea cause most of the players just keep him hidden in their bases behind a wall of defenses, and it would make snipes harder to pull off in general. I don't dislike snipes it just seems they are too easy to pull off these days. So in the beginning you would have more choices: do you keep your commander safe and use his build efficiency, or do you make use of his fire power and health to tip the scales of a battle in your favor. Seems a more interesting game.
Love your idea! I think it might even be viable to flatly increase the rate of fire without decreasing the damage. Might be overpowered against air since the commander instakills any T1 air unit, but I think for ground it would be ok.
Imho it is kinda weird that 20 or so t1 bombers easily can kill a commander. They are too easy too attain and too cheap for that. The SupCom:FA commander worked pretty well. It wasn't used as a boring "super" engineer like the PA commander is.
Um. Once you hit the T2 upgrade, he IS a super engineer. It's only in the late game you get these great options for dealing with stuff. Then again, I play Cybran. That's how it is for me That's three other factions. What'd I miss?
Dunno I only ever really played Cybran. But on t1 the commander is THE power on the field. Sure on t2 it gets dangerous, on t3 it gets "you are a crazy man" and on t4 you just die. Yeah those super expensive upgrades on the commander can make him good late game, but late game so many extreme sniping possibilities exist, that is still isn't wise to use the commander to fight in that phase of the game. Basically once the armies get too strong for him he isn't a super engineer, he is a raw egg you are hiding somewhere. But a considerable part of the game is played with the commander being an important part of your army in most 1vs1. Even on t3 the acu can be the key for victory in desperate situations, if you have the guts to upgrade him with range (especially if you play aeon, they had an extra range upgrade with more range than any other commander. Sooooo imba ) and then overcharge into enemy t3 units.
Actually acu upgrades, apart from the gun or t2/t3, where very rare. But yeah sure upgrades. Upgrades are great
I like progress and tension about when to make the jump up. Both are valid, but different, ways to design a game I guess.
Faster rate of fire for dealing with Dox would be nice... that said, I'm mostly okay with Commanders where they are now. Boom-bot snipes can be easily countered by walls, lakes, or an Inferno bodyguard squad.
I would support halving his shot damage and doubling his rate of fire, just to make it fair against dox as it is tanks. Air, could just use regular AA damage in a splash on bundled air. That way, a power-snipe can still work, but making a 2nd pass with that wadded up a ball of bombers doesn't work because bombers died (instead of just 1-2)
never played supcom, but i grew up on TA (still like it, but I'm on a mac, so haven't worked out how to play with the community patch. my main qualm, apart from the health, is his ubercannon. what sort of d-gun is this supposed to be? it does nothing to buildings!!! it can't even kill a measly vanguard! to powerful you say? just add in FF!
A comrush was OP because of how much it did to buildings. But I agree with you as well, I feel there is a way to balance it to buildings considering all buildings got 3x health since this was given nerf-armor value against buildings. Uber, Y U NO REVERT CHANGES AFTER MAKING LATER CHANGES?
i just want my d gun that can annihilate everything and anything. it shouldn't be something you use willy nilly near your base.