attaching thrusters to planets has all but been confirmed, at least in my opinion. The whole dang premise for the game is smashing planets into each other for heaven's sake! Some people are against this and other awesome things like orbits. Maybe they'll put it in, maybe they won't, but for now let's assume they will. So what the hell would happen if you threw a planet at a gas giant? Could you use the gas giant as camouflage so you enemies couldn't see you? How freakin awesome would that be? Also, I really do hope planet pushers (tm) are in the final game because I really want to see what happens when you throw a water planet at a lava planet.
Not neccicarily. If you had a small planet and a huge gas giant you could hide just a little bit behind the gas. Wouldn't be too hard. I know your whole thing is 'equal parts realism and awesome', but sometimes it's ok to throw physics to the wind, y'know?
I never said equal parts. Also "throwings physics to the wind" should only be done in the interest of gameplay, and frankly I don't see the point to something like this, it does nothing but add complication and does so all over the place. Mike
Hahaha. Yeah, the planets shouldn't survive such impacts. After all, the game is called Planetary Annihilation, not Planetary Billiards.