Capture the flag idea?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by NeLoDK, February 5, 2011.

  1. NeLoDK

    NeLoDK New Member

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    So I was chatting with some friends about new game ideas, and they didn't like the ctf idea what so ever, But I came up with something that may make it a great game mode.

    Off course your first thoughts are assassins are gonna pwn the **** out of this.

    But now listen, the flag is triggered by a Weight system. Lets put the flag where the money ball is, and now there is a pressure plate above the flag. I don't know if this is stupid. Off course there have to be some more to it.

    But still I think it eliminates that assassins will pwn the game mode, they will still be good, but not overpowered.

    I don't know what do you think? I've played 30+ hours and destroying the money ball is getting a bit old.
  2. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    Derp. Been discussed IIRC. Can we wait till the tools come out before we spout ideas like YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD BE COOL :eek: !!!!

    Just wait till the tools are out. Your ideas will be forgotten and just be part of the forum archive until they do. That's when creativity kicks in, not before...
  3. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    but in honesty, a high level game of ctf wouldnt be overpowered by assassins. a smart team would play assault to counter assassins, place bombs on flag, and detonate all the bombs at once when the assassin grabs it.

    assaults may be the overpowered ones. even then, a gold armor tank can grab it and hold his own.

    a tank would be the overpowered one. except a sniper would pressure him the entire way and pick him off as he tries to travel the map.

    the sniper with his ice traps would be overpowered. he even has ice traps. but again, the assault could detonate ice traps and beat snipers... you see where this is going.

    anyhow, i think it would be a good idea, but the devs arent going to buy it i think. i do believe it can be made through modding tho.

    here is another problem tho. there would have to be a roof directly over the flag. that way, the assassin couldnt smokebomb jump right after grabbing the flag. not a big roof, wouldnt cover anything blocking the longshots and gapshots. just the flag.
  4. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    My contemplation of this would be have the bots capture and have to escort the flag back to your base. This would make the bots still all important and try to keep the general feel that k/d isn't the main focus. The only way to return the flag is to have one of your own bots touch the flag or have him have to carry it back. Though I think as soon as the bots touch it, it would teleport back to it's original place. Would be a better solution to assassins that sit in corners watching and killing bots as they are dragging it back.

    But, it would almost be like Unreal Tourney with instagib lasers on. If your even anywhere near each other in skill, it's going to be a stale mate. I've had UT overtime games last several hours before a capture came out of it.

    Also, it would make assaults wasting their mine on the flag obsolete as another wave of bots is generally right behind the last.
  5. NeLoDK

    NeLoDK New Member

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    Well if we can start talking about it now, perfecting the idea, we could get a lot of good game modes.

    Well yeah maybe you shouldn't be able to throw stuff around the flag, in a small area.

    As for abilities, I'm not sure how much you can do.
  6. NeLoDK

    NeLoDK New Member

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    Sorry Bhaal didn't read your message till now, don't know how I missed it.

    But yeah the bots should be implemented, but making them cap it, would make it the same as destroying the money ball.

    Let's say it's the pressure plate idea, maybe if the bots make it to the pressure plate, they take the weight limit off, now everyone can take it instantly.
  7. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I commented on another persons ideas for game modes with my 2cents regarding CTF.

    First off, the defending the flag portion as you said would be extremely difficult to balance due to things like Support stacking firebases, or assaults/snipers trapping the locations.

    However I think this could be balanced by instead of having TWO flags. Both teams fight over ONE flag in the middle of the arena, attempting to grab it and take the flag to a capture point in the enemy base.

    Second off, when carrying the flag remove the use of abilities. This makes it more important for the flag carrier to be escorted by teammates, but it also helps balance the speed of classes and allows for people to more easily catch the flag carrier.

    While carrying the flag the pro is prevented from being effected by knockback based grapples. Those grapples do additional damage to them to balance the loss of the knockback.

    Finally, if the flag dropped outside of the ring (from the pro getting ring-outed some how, via explosions or simply their own stupidity.) then the flag has a timer delay before respawning at the middle point again.

    If the flag is dropped by a pro but not picked up then it has a count down timer before it resets in mid. (should be enough that its not simply faster / safer for one team to let the flag respawn rather than carrying it themselves, but also short enough for it to not last too long on the field if it gets stuck or lost.)
  8. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    i think a flag being at the annihalator is a good idea, as well as a seperate mode with 2 flags.

    the one-flag idea, skill loss while having the flag is a good idea, and i think grapples wouldnt be so bad to give knockback. except in place of that, if a flag is dropped it returns to the center; to capture it you must capture from the center, not off a enemy. that way, just ringing them out is an option.

    and for two-flag idea, i think the bot idea is good. if the bot idea wasnt so good, i think pros could do it either vanilla (i think their skills would balance out like they do currently in crossfire), or just make it to where nothing can be placed inside the moneyball ring.

    again, when someone makes it themselves and tests it to see the gameplay, it can be tweaked from there before becoming an actual thing.
  9. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    I've played for 10+ months and destroying the enemy Nexus is still fun.

    if it covers just the flag, that mean sin could just lunge out then smoke bomb D:

    on topic:
    ctf would be fun but not priority; i'd rather have some more crossfire maps :p
  10. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    nah, crossfire isnt too old yet, i agree. still fun and deeply complex combat with stradegy and humor.

    and i agree, i love doing the same modes in many games over and over. its like saying that kicking people's *** in street fighter is getting old, i wana do a coop where we try to not hurt each other... [​IMG]

    this forum didnt have the proper smiley i needed, i imported one :)

    anyhow, i still would support expansion, as long as it isnt destructive of the original game's feel (like tf2). and i dont think lunge-smokebomb would be as effective as instant smokebomb. youd be blown up by a planted bomb before your lunge completed.
  11. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    i wouldn't know, was just saying stuff theoretically coz i only played this game for 2 rounds on my friend's Xbox and totally loved it. i bought the game on steam and am now saving up to buy a laptop that could run it (because PC > console). All my knowledge comes from forums, youtube vids, wiki, and that accurate stats page so my knowledge is very limited :p
  12. NeLoDK

    NeLoDK New Member

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    Yeah maybe you guys are right, ctf would be too complicated in this game, but there has to be some new game modes for this. Headquarters maybe?

    And I think that you will see superb maps within the first week, the really good map creators are probably all ready making the layouts. And this isn't the worst game to make maps for.
  13. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Ringing out a player would after a short time return the flag to center. If the enemy dies they simply drop the flag so you can pick it up. This means that if an enemy dies in your base you have even farther to go to turn it in.

    There is a reason for this though. It helps give the game a sense of progress. If you have the flag immediately return to center every time it makes the game more likely to end in stalemate, and potentially makes the tank the best class for carrying the flag due to the fact he can't get 1hit killed by snipers/assassins. If the sniper could just headshot you and have the flag return then the game would stalemate a lot more often.

    The timers on the flag return to center via either not being picked up by a pro, or having the pro ringed out would have to be play tested until appropriate numbers were found. But I believe having timers would be for the best. It increases the power of team pushes (since if the carrier dies another person can pick it up) and if a carrier is ringed out then both teams are given a moment to re-assess the situation so they can either prepare for a defense, or push out before the other team has a chance to regrab the flag.

    Also I thought more about the grapple throws and I think I found a solution that will work better than my previous one. Carriers CAN be grapple throwed, however when grapple thrown they drop the flag at the location they got grappled. This makes grapple throws an effective way to take the flag away from things like Juiced players or Tanks with gold armor endorsements.

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