Pre-ordering with Amazon payments seems to be broken. I tried but, after clicking confirm on the Amazon page, the page it sent me back to contained a re-direct loop. I don't know whether I've been charged or not. There is also no support link from the store so, I'd appreciate someone getting back to me and confirming if I've been charged when I tried to pay with Amazon payments.
I didn't get a pre-order mail when I tried to order it with Amazon payments. I have since pre-ordered it with PayPal and got the mail so, I know it worked when I used PayPal. I also know it worked with PayPal because I was redirected from PayPal to a confirmation page at The problem is that I don't know if I was charged when I tried to order it through Amazon payments. I clicked the confirm button on Amazon's page and it redirected me to's page for confirmation but, no confirmation showed up, just a re-direct loop. Obviously something went wrong with's server/web-application. There is no way for me to know at what point it all went wrong: before or after charging me. It could have been charged me but, failed before generating the confirmation mail or, it could have failed before charging me. garatgh: Try to use your brain before posting mocking replies when people are having problems in future. You are just making yourself look stupid.
The response was not mocking in the least neither was there any fault in my logic. Their homepage and facebook page didnt mentioned that preorders were added, and aloot of people tend to mistake backing the game with a preorder. I just haden't checked my mail or twitter. Maybe you should use your brain before you offend people that only wished to help.
Please retract the claws, both of you! please send an email to including: your email address UberNet name (I assume that's sipos) a detailed description of what happened (copy+paste) a link to this topic the transaction number from your PayPal receipt email (if you still have it) your PayPal email address (if it is not the same as the address you signed up with) any useful information you can think of from Amazon (in case you got an email or something from them) Support will help you to figure out what exploded and how it can be fixed. Might take a couple of days due to Thanksgiving, please be patient. I hope this helps.
I had the same issue with Amazon Payments, got no email or anything. Don't want to do it again with Paypal in case my card gets charged for the Amazon one!
I've forwarded this to the appropriate people. So the issue is you pre-order but get no receipt confirmation?
garatgh, apologies. I thought that your reply was meant to be dismissing my problem and implying that I would be back soon to edit my post to say that I had found a confirmation e-mail, when in fact I had checked that already. Obviously I misunderstood. neutrino, yes, you click the pay with Amazon payments button and it sends you to the Amazon payments page. After you click the confirm button, you are redirected to a page on but, it never loads. There is just a long (infinite?) sequences of redirection headers*. Because the page never loads, there is no confirmation page to say you have pre-ordered it successfully or, any error page to say something went wrong. There is also no confirmation e-mail. Col_Jessep, thanks, I'll do that. *If it is any use: Chrome bails after 20 redirects and shows an error page (Error 310, net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS) so, it is at least 20 redirects when I tried in Chrome. IE just never finishes loading. I've not visited or in IE before so, before starting the transaction, I had no cookies for either domain. I waited several minutes for IE to load the page so, I guess that there must be hundreds or even thousands of redirection headers sent without any HTML. It seems that there is either a bug in your web-app (one page redirecting to another and then the second back to the first one or something similar) or, possibly the web-server is mis-configured somehow.
This Amazon issue actually caused my credit card to get blocked (fraud suspicion), very frustrating! Apparently something to do with trying to register my card for amazon payments but then there being no transaction
This isn't the case for me. I had already used my card registered on Amazon payments successfully before this and have used it since. I don't know of it being blocked at all.
I too have attempted to pre-order the galactic edition, except when I go to confirm payment via Amazon I am told that the web page as attempted to improperly redirect (Googling the issue said it was a cookie problem, but the solution did not solve the issue at hand).