I can play the game in Window mode with no problems. But if i turn the game in fullscreen mode i just can see a black screen and here the music. I think it is a problem with the 4K Resulution (3840x2160). My system: i7 3770k GTX 690 (Driver: 337.88) 8GB RAM Win7 Pro 64bit SP1 What can I do ? Is there a fix ? Please Help
How much video memory do you have? Can you maximize the window (without going fullscreen) and does that work? Have you tried messing with the graphics settings (e.g. make sure you're not running with supersampling turned up, etc)?
Hi, I have 2GB off video ram. I cant get the window all over my screen 3/4 It makes no difference if i start the game on low details ! With no AA or Supersampling I played the game last month on a Full-HD Display and everything worked fine. (Full-Sreen maxed out)
Not realy The screen is just black and i can here the music. When i make it smaller then i get the picture back.
I suppose this problem is reported here already: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/4k-not-supported.60074/ Task on bugtracker for this one: PA#3536