Cant play,game is stuttering

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by FelipeCuia, May 1, 2015.

  1. FelipeCuia

    FelipeCuia New Member

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    Had this problem once,fixe it by disable some programs in my pc...i have a republic of gamer notebook,buy this my problem inst any hardware...reinstall the game and the problem is back...try to fix as i did last time,but didnt work...what should i do?
  2. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Which game (your post is in 'Unrelated')... Planetary Annihilation?

    @DeathByDenim has the list of software that interferes with stuff, maybe there is something else on your machine causing the issue?
  3. FelipeCuia

    FelipeCuia New Member

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    sorry,yes,is the Planetery A.
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  4. FelipeCuia

    FelipeCuia New Member

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    I dont know about other programs that can cause this...
    have other games,like GTA5 and Shadow of Mordor that work at full...only planatery A. im having this problem...
  5. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    tatsujb and DeathByDenim like this.
  6. FelipeCuia

    FelipeCuia New Member

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    ASUS GameFirst III was the problem....TY very much,the game works fine now
    Nicb1, cdrkf, tatsujb and 1 other person like this.
  7. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    You really ought to know that list by now, cdrkf. :p
    (Also it's SXX'es list)
  8. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    x'D oh windows and it's programs that do what the OS already does better then them

    .....or just serve no purpose at all

    .....or just make the computer run worse

    ...or make your life a living hell

    ......or steal your credit card info

    .......and your wife

    ....aaaahh windows
  9. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    you do realize you can easily make a program running on linux or macs that basically breaks everything as well?
  10. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    begs the question : "why doesn't it happen as much?"

    Also while were dismantling this fundamentally flawed argument.

    you can do SIMILAR things. but not exactly the same. The use of the term exactly is a poor choice.

    but there will always be gigantic differences between the two programs.

    most of these differences revolve around rights; an even bigger difference would revolve around the capacity to completely lock a process. I am unaware of any linux process that can resist a kill -9 .

    or it might revolve around how much the user is required to derp for the bad programs to actually be able to carry out (alot of windows malware don't even ever need the user to ever intervene).

    Also I donnot believe it really consists in exactly the same thing to freeze window's desktop and to freeze all seven of linux's xterms.
  11. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    It happens more often on windows systems because people tend to play way more on windows and tend to buy ready made windows systems with a **** ton of useless trash installed before hand.

    :(){ :|:& };:
    DeathByDenim likes this.
  12. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    just got done testing it on my old PC with live ubuntu key. the code does what promissed : it lags linux into unresponsiveness.

    problem is it is user-inputed.

    I don't see how you could inject it.

    And I'm willing to let your try and inject it into my testbed.
  13. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    But I don't even see how this all relates to anything anymore.
    ASUS Game First III is a tool installed by the manufacturer of the computer. They can install anything. Even on linux, but they rarely sell linux systems for gaming.
  14. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Also, any program that just hogs all the memory will pretty much kill any OS to unresponsiveness. I regularly blow get my Linux desktop completely stuck by exhausting all of my RAM with my simulations. :)

    I can still SSH in (eventually) to kill the job, but that requires another computer. And Windows probably has something similar. And you can set up maximum memory per application on Linux with cgroups, but Windows probably also has something similar to that.
  15. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    @cola_colin @DeathByDenim it's a question of mentality. Linux is open sourced and community-based. preinstalled crapware is against the beliefs of that community : as the amazon-on-ubuntu scandal-and-retract showed.

    it's a common practice for a linux user to know that at anytime you could be trolled by command copy-paste. It's an often practical but bad (at it's roots) practice. It is NOT the recommended procedure for rookie users, Software Store is.

    @DeathByDenim I was specific in my response to cola_colin, I only played along: I said if I ran the program and waited it ...did... render the calling of an xterm impossible. I did not say that I did not manage to kill the process before it did so :>
  16. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I don't even get why you are trying to start an argument about linux vs windows.
    My netbook runs ubuntu, my servers do so as well.
    I use whatever is best fitted for the specific thing...

    well apart from Mac OS. Mac OS is just never fitted for anything.
  17. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Its a simple case of numbers.

    Think about it- you are a malicious IT guru, hell bent on stealing loads of peoples money by creating some crap-ware.

    Firstly you are obviously lazy, with your level of programming talent you could undoubtedly make something legitimate and earn it that way (but that is hard work and takes time to pay off). Secondly, for your scam to succeed you need as many targets as possible.

    This brings you to the choice of *where* to target your masterpiece? Well Windows has the biggest install base on desktops, and Android has the biggest install base on mobile. Done. If you weren't lazy you'd probably build version to target mac and linux too, but again that brings us back to point 1 :p

    Edit: I need to make a flow chart for this, and name it the 'Scammers Algorithm' :D
    tatsujb likes this.
  18. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Well honestly if I were to make a virus it would be a botnet because those are fun.
    And if I were to make a botnet I would target .... linux based webservers.
    So many of them. Online 24/7.
  19. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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  20. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    you kinda have to be a bit maso to prefer coding a malware for linux over windows. it's just way easier to make a windows one that works than a linux one that works.

    I really wasn't.

    if you look above I was meerly stating my discomfort at the state things are in (and they don't have to be). I don't buy brand all-built PCs but god knows the rest of the world does.

    ....that's a lot of free tech support from tatsu the best techie pal that I can see ways for it to not have existed. 99% of those ways I like to imagine involve the Microsoft company not being a phagocyte with 99% of their employees on com and 1% on development.

    but reading on you'll see that you bounced off something different : the typical "linux is better because it doesn't have viruses" - "yes it does" qualm. Which I didn't initially feel like talking about, but now that I'm started... :p

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