Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I select my air units, click the Patrol button, and click another spot on the map...they happily go there and land. Sitting ducks. Is this a bug, or am I dumb? I may be dumb.
A single patrol point is no different than a right click move. You need to create more than one patrol point by selecting the patrol order type and using shift + left click to have them keep moving.
Is this expected to be changed? The intuitive version (for me) would be that it uses the intial point of the unit given the order as the first patrol point. One can still get the current behaviour by using shift and giving a move command first and then using the patrol command.
It might be intuitive at first glance, but it would also mean a restriction. You don't necessary want the current location to be included in the patrol order when you issue multiple points.
Thats why, as I said, you can shift-move-command first to change your first point where you patrol. Same functionality but more intuitive imo.
That could work... As I think about it, patrol without shift modifier never really made any sense before.
That caught me by surprised as well when first playing, being that what you are mentioning is what was used in both TA and SupCom
My comments are on how it works now, I don't have any insight on if its the intended behavior or not, could be a bug!