Hey folks; I just happend to have this afternoon free, and I just upgraded to the purchase level that allows alpha access. Because Steam crashes on my Mac, I've been trying to get the direct download from http://uberent.com/launcher/padownloads It is not working. I just wasted about :30 trying all kinds of things to get into that, different passwords, email vs. my username, etc. Can someone tell me how to get that alpha binary for mac? Is that link dead? Does it take a few days to process upgrade orders? What? I really don't mind if it takes a day (or hours) to process an upgrade to get alpha, but if that is the case it reallllly should be stated somewhere, so people aren't wasting their time beacause a batch job isn't completed. Uber employee/Ops: This is my only free day for a week or two (busy fall season for me). Since I couldn't get this working, I'd rather just like my money back. The next time I have a free afternoon will be in several week-ends, which is probably after the Beta is happening, which I was already signed up for. Thanks.
Does "not working" mean you can't login? You actually need to use your Uber store login here, like you used for this forum. If you can't login it's might happen if your Steam and Uber account aren't linked. Open this URL: https://uberent.com/user/linksteam And check if your Uber account linked to Steam account where you activated your Steam key. Or you can't download dmg file?
I cannot log-in to that URL I origonally posted, which (according to the Uber weblog) was required to download the DMG. I need to download the DMG because Steam crashes on my mac (it has crashed since the day I bought it, sadly). For clarity, the error I get when I log in is below. I am the same username/password I logged in to update/edit my keys. I even logged out and back in of Uber forurms/website to make sure I was using the same password and username. Error Login was unsuccessful. Please correct the errors and try again. Your account is not authorized to download Planetary Annihilation. Please active your key at http://store.uberent.com
You should link your Steam and Uber accounts using link I give to you, then you'll able to use direct downloads.
Thanks, I did that, and it is working now (that seems to have cleared it up? Maybe it was just waiting) That should be added to the 'go here to download' instructions.