Cannot launch matches, pa.exe has stopped working

Discussion in 'Support!' started by diabolicus, April 27, 2014.

  1. diabolicus

    diabolicus New Member

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    Hello, I am trying to play PA on my laptop (yeah I know, its not very ideal but my gaming rig has awful internet connection so I can't play it on there until they release an offline mode)

    It can start up perfectly, albeit slowly, onto the main menu, it then lets me enter the game lobby and I create a game, but it will not let me commence a game whatsoever without it crashing, leaving the only error message "Pa.exe has stopped working"

    My DxDiag is attached, also bare in mind I have been running it with headphones in but I doubt it makes a difference.

    I think everything is up to date, honestly don't know why it won't run other than the fact its a rubbish laptop, because well, it is.

    All help appreciated thanks

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  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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