Are you supposed to be able to cancel the countdown when a game begins? Someone adressed me in chat while the countdown was going as if multiline message was being typed and in my panic I couldn't find how you cancel it. I ended up clicking leave, which did eject me from the game but as I tried immidetly to get back the game wasn't no longer there. It migth be that the game still launched, however I didn't get a reconnect prompt when going between main menu and server listing. I restarted the game and then it gave a me reconnect prompt but it was to the previous game score screen I played not the one that I had started.
So they game will not start if any player is not ready. I don't actually stop the countdown... since the player could ready up again within 5 secs. But the game won't start if any play toggles ready during the countdown. This has come up a few times, so I'll probably change the behavior so that the countdown stops right away.
The host leaving should probably reset the countdown. Or it could be that a player joins and readies within the timelimit.