Can we make units which cannot target follow the group on attack?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by carn1x, October 25, 2014.

  1. carn1x

    carn1x Active Member

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    Currently you send a group of units to attack a land based units and your combat fabbers and spinners just sit there. Instead I think they should follow the group. A cheap way of handling this would be for units which cannot attack a target to just move to within their own weapon range of the target and simply not fire.

    In addition, could combat fabbers default to reclaim enemy structures when in range as long as there are no healing tasks near by? The would be super overpowered currently, those guys reclaim about 2-3x faster than Infernos damage, move faster, but are made of paper. So I think their reclaim speed certainly needs a nerf, but from a micro-reduction perspective, there's no reason they can't reclaim enemies until destruction. If your mass is maxed, then I don't think they need to continue reclaiming the corpse, but I'm easy either way on that.

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