Can we do something about end-game ragequitters?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Cheesecakecrush, October 24, 2010.

  1. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    You know the ones, the guys that end up with host and quit when the match is over, but before the countdown is up. They end up giving you a migrate screen which may or may not work.

    I think you shouldn't be able to access the menu during the final sequence, and maybe 15 seconds should be shaved off the countdown timer. In the game lobby, we should be able to access prior game stats (stored locally until another game is started.)

  2. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Thought: Get a signature, and it better be awesome!

    just kidding, but really, they said they would fix host migration more in an update.

    the only way for complete host migration success is for some dedicated-server-support, if not have totally dedicated servers (meaning the server "host" IS the game's server, games are hosted from another computer ran by the makers/microsoft). i still havent had any reply as to if its possible for a console to have dedicated servers, but id understand it would be asking for too many resources until this title is worshipped by every gamer that used to play halo/CoD/MoH/ect.

    and storing things locally tends to lead to "god-mode" hacks being designed by a really good xbox-jtagger and distributed to other people horrible at programming and hardware that just used a guide or bought a xbox-jtag (referenced from MW2 experience). if they check first to ensure nobody can change data and give themselves all titles/rank/classes/gold-endorsements, then it may be a good idea to store in-game accomplishments locally so a rage-quitter doesnt make you lose an earned protag.
    Last edited: October 24, 2010
  3. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Something needs to be done about quitting imo.

    I like the fact that you can quit whenever, but it just is not working.

    Seems like two kills before I hit an uber streak in a pub match....quit

    I'm playing with a party...teams split and the low level host sees 4-6
    99 players all together.......quit

    Enemy moneyball drops below 20%....quit

    Kill the same bad player that rushes you 3-4 times in a row? ....quit

    A tree falls in the woods and nobody is around to hear it.....quit

    The host never migrates, even if if it does (usually giving somebody in my party host)
    Then it seems to just randomly arrange the teams how it wants, putting some of us over to the team we were not even playing on, some of us will now be different classes, and some of us simply will just get dropped.

    It's not because people are leaving and there is no host to grab, there are 4-6 people with open nats and good connections sitting there waiting for the migrations.
    It's broken.
  4. MojoTeq

    MojoTeq New Member

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    I was just talking about this with my brother yesterday, when hosts kept quitting right after the game finished. During migration or after the game ends it would be nice to not have the ability to quit because too many dumbasses just don't get it, and still think the host will never successfully migrate.

    It would also be nice to be able to get into the options menu in the lobby. It sucks to have to wait till the game starts to change controller options.

    Just say no to Ragequitting!
  5. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    For real yo. This is like a new trend now. 7 games in a row the Host leaves at the scoreboard summary after the match. I mean you finished the game, don't you want your stats? Why not wait till the lobby to leave. God damn already.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Actually the Far Cry series on XBox has dedicated servers. It even has the option for users/players to host their own server. They can't play, but they can watch. That game is also similar to MNC community wise. And it wasn't a AAA title. I mean Far Cry: Instincts was an XBox1 game and it had all of that.(man I miss those days)
  8. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    I think that the solution might be that when the host has to migrate it waits maybe 3-10 seconds to even choose a new host. That way, the quitters can quit but the host should still migrate.

    Well, when those stats are 0-0-18...
    Last edited: October 25, 2010
  9. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    I think that, if we can't prevent them from easily quitting during the final scoreboard through the menu, we should at least have the game drop everyone to lobby instead of going through the host migration just to see the scoreboard again.
  10. Xanatros

    Xanatros New Member

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    I usually hate when people quit when the scoreboards are up... but I've also been in the position where I want/need to leave the game shortly after seeing my score (I don't usually need 45 seconds to see my stats), but I don't want to ruin everyone else's group by leaving in case I have host (no I have no idea how to tell).

    It would be nice to either have that a shorter wait, not still be on a host machine while looking at stats, or have the ability to leave without screwing everyone else up.
  11. OoPpEe1985

    OoPpEe1985 New Member

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    A semi fix for rage quitters would be try to migrate, but if it fails it will bring up the stats screen and THEN take you to menu. Just have it activate this the moment the ball is destroyed - if if they rage quit right after - you wont lose the stats.
    This wouldnt solve the mid-game rage quitters though.
  12. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    combine ^this^ with:

    if the game ends before time or victory, either because a tree fell on a internet line (or more likely that some sick SoB is laughing as he turns off his power and he knows he is host), count it as a finished game and give kills/protags/progess/money likewise.

    just take all the client-stored data of the game, and the kills, and what kill with which gun, and money, and apply it when the person leaves the game if the game hasnt finished. YES, that will HELP rage-quitters, but its a two-pronged attack because it will help everyone in the game that earned money and protags get what they earned.

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