The robot with the sort of spiked shoulder pads that you get for paying 200 dollars, I bought it so can I play as it now?
Yes, it's the default commander ATM. You've been able to play as it since alpha was released. :facepalm:
But the commander shown has its shoulder pads opened up and this one doesn't, why does it look different?
I think they was supposed to be a rocket launcher or something (the holes at the side of said folded out shoulder pads). But im not sure if they decided too drop the commander abilites idea (or if its just not implemented).
That's not entirely true. Confirmed no commander abilities *with the exception* of their special weapon. All commanders currently use the Uber cannon- however the plan is to have 3 different specials to create a bit of variety. I'm guessing the specials will all function the same, just with different animations and explosions. So it's quite possible the delta might get given missiles instead of the uber cannon.
Didn't they say those 'flaps' were going to open up as cooling vents either post-Uber-Cannon-Fire, or while the construction-gun was in use?