Can I get a Custom Commander without paying for the 1k tier?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by oddwing, September 30, 2012.

  1. oddwing

    oddwing New Member

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    Hello Uber and everyone!

    So I just checked all 39 pages of topics/posts and did not see anything similar to what I want to ask. It might be a silly question but...
    I was wondering if there is anyway to get a custom commander without having to pay for the $1000 tier pledge. Ive been very lucky to be able to pay for the tier I wanted plus a tad bit more for a couple extras. Now I'm wondering if I could pay extra for "just" the custom commander...not any of the extra stuff that comes after the $150 tier. And Maybe just the one key for it, not 5 like the $1k tier would get. Would this be possible Uber? I've also sent and email to you guys asking about this...but maybe someone on here has an idea about it or would also like to do the same thing as me. And no I'm not looking to get a freebie just incase anyone is wondering.. Thanks!
  2. Cryptic1

    Cryptic1 New Member

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    Re: Can I get a Custom Commander without paying for the 1k t

    I would have to say no, there was a reason that the 1k tier existed to generate donations. It is just a custom commander it does not change the game in anyway, it is meant for the people do did the large donations.
    Fair is fair, Sometimes you have to pay if you want something bad enough. If you cannot afford it you just don't get it.
  3. Sylenall

    Sylenall Member

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    Re: Can I get a Custom Commander without paying for the 1k t

    Nope. If you could, it would hardly be fair to the rest of us would it?(especially the people that paid 1k). There is a $500 gap between it and the next cheapest tier, the custom commander is the ONLY thing that is added, so do the math.

    Those 5 keys alone are worth $500 at $100 apiece.
  4. oddwing

    oddwing New Member

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    Re: Can I get a Custom Commander without paying for the 1k t

    Yeah I know thats why I mentioned just being able to get 1 key and not 5. I guess I figured Id found a way to donate more money....just dont have $1000... And true I guess it wouldnt be fair to those who payed $1000...
    Still would be nice if there was another tier just to get that commander (even though it wouldnt have any ingame advantages) :) still would be cool!
  5. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    Re: Can I get a Custom Commander without paying for the 1k t

    Ya, a Custom Commander Tier would be pure awesome. Id totally add that on to the 100 bucks I already donated :)
  6. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Re: Can I get a Custom Commander without paying for the 1k t

    That's only technically correct, like with many things digital, quantity doesn't matter, only the creation of the original. Not to mention that originally it was only 1 Key.

    OP; that's just not how the reward system works, Picking and choosing individual rewards was not meant to be a thing, they are supposed to be static not only to allow for a fair increase in rewards for those pledging high amount but also to incentivize people to pledge more.

    Also keep in mind the amount of work required here, Chances are these commanders will have to be done either from scratch, or by heavily modifying existing commanders, and these will be designs based on inspiration from the backer, so the artist may have to pull up additional references and such too, I'd say each commander is at least 1 day's work form the artist(spread out depending on the correspondence) and some more work from the coders/QA testing it to make sure everything is fine with it. The look at how many commanders they have to do, NINETY-ONE Thats a good 3-4 months for a single artist, and it's not like they can really start right now, right now I expect they're working on fleshing out the stock units and locking down of model formats and such, I wouldn't expect any custom commander work until Late in the Alpha at the earliest.

  7. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    Re: Can I get a Custom Commander without paying for the 1k t

    Perhaps the OP should try buttering up some modders who like making new models? ;)
  8. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Re: Can I get a Custom Commander without paying for the 1k t

    Wish I could've had $1K to drop. Would've made it as close to a Zaku II as possible without getting sued. My favorite mech of all time <3

    Sadly, I couldn't justify spending that much to myself, not with the other things that need it more. That's like my entire vacation budget. :(

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