Well, so far we would dismiss the idea as silly but these guys here claim they can do it and we will see it in the near future: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlMCToxlt1c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXJUGLiZkV0 What do you think, is it real or just an elaborate joke? Can we reall organize point cloud data that fast? Can you devs switch from polygons to this system in a reasonable amount of time?
I think it would be possible in the distant future but you will need to get a super computer, If they made a game with those graphics only a rare few people that have a computer capable of playing it will get it. But graphics don't mean anything its all about the game play, I would prefer a game with really bad graphics and good game play to a good graphic game that is just barely playable.
Well, they claim they can get it working on todays hardware. If they found an efficient way to implement the algorithms it would be possible. The question is how their system would work with transparency and the like.
I saw this a few weeks ago, and assuming it is real, then it is absolutely amazing. There are a few reason I don't see it being used in games in the near future. First of all, right now all (or maybe just most) of the hardware that exists is already optimized for and using algorithms for polygon. I think its also fair to say that right now developers/artists have gotten used to and comfortable with using polygons. In order to switch over to UD they would probably have to rewrite the whatever core engine it is they are using. Also, I'm not sure how UD would effect other things, such as lighting, shadows, maybe some shaders, or just effects in general, but I would imagine it would be quit different since you would no longer be dealing with UVs and verticies. This is all just speculation of course so if anyone has a better idea please correct me if I'm wrong. ^_^