
Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by abobadom, August 31, 2010.

  1. abobadom

    abobadom New Member

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    it could be about when the bots get a mind of there own and escape and you can choose your class to stop them! there could be levels at different parts of the city, you have to kill all the bots in that level but if you kill a human you fail that level. it wouldent have to be a long compain but just like a couple of levels!

  2. SenorPancake

    SenorPancake New Member

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    I don't know if that would fit in with the theme.

    Perhaps they could add single player in the form of a Madden-style franchise mode, where you manage a team of 5 bots (as in computer players), by choosing their classes and applying endorsements, alongside yourself.

    As your team gets better, they can snatch up some endorsements from notable companies (limited choices such as "take this or this endorsement" from time to time, with the penalty being you never get to unlock the endorsement you reject.) So by the end of the game you're able to access half of the endorsements possible (note: By company, not by type. It would be roughly half of each level of endorsements available to you, so you would have to choose wisely so as to benefit your entire team.

    You could have other options available to you as well.

    It would be too much work for this game anyways, because Uber would have to program fully capable AI to compete with human players.
  3. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Bot Paths. Ugh.
  4. abobadom

    abobadom New Member

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    yea true, but it could work!

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