I just noticed that, when buying ProTags in the Locker Room, the prices seem to be either wrong, or the money isn't be subtracted correctly. There's these $2500 ProTags, but when I buy them I only lose $250. Same for the $5000, I only seem to pay like $500. I'm sure buying the $10000 will give the same result. So basically, you're paying a LOT less for the ProTags than that they're priced. Maybe this has been mentioned before, but the Search function seems to act up when I try to search in a specific forum.
Yeah, I double checked to make sure. I'm definitely paying way less than what they are priced. But it's only the ones from the Career tab.
You are right. I just tried it with 4 protags that I hadn't purchases yet and I spent less than $1,500 combined for them all. 2 were labeled as $2500 and 2 were $5,000. Woohoo...more money for the Highlights protags.