Buying off of steam.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by itsdakracken, August 7, 2013.

  1. itsdakracken

    itsdakracken New Member

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    Do i get any benefits from buying it off of steam?
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    The Current Steam Early Access Version is the same as the Galactic Edition you can get directly from Uber.(where they also get the entire purchase they can roll back into the game whereas Valve takes a cut of anything bought off Steam)

  3. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    No. Uber just gets less money.

    edit: It took my post so long to go through.
  4. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    plus you won't go through the uber patcher so you'll get updates minutes later and you'll have more issues getting the game to run and blablabla and blablabla and blablabla and blablabla and blablabla and blablabla.....
  5. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    It's obviously better to buy game on Uber store because then developers get more 15-25% more of you payment. Steam cut it's own part of payment.

    You can also immediately get Steam-key after you payment on Uber store is done.

    This is not true.

    Even if you bought game on Steam or converted key to Steam you'll able to update game though Uber launcher. You just need to link your Steam and Uber account's, for Windows and Mac users it's happen automatically when you run game (and login) though Steam first time...
  6. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    this is what I meant by issues. some people have a hard time working them out before finding you, I've seen the threads :lol:
  7. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Much more people have problems with outdated drivers and missed/broken DirectX. Most topics about account linking are from Mac users because there is some problems with automatic linking.

    I only seen may be ~30 people who have problems related to game (FMOD bug (crash w/o audio output), nvidia crash (opengl error), chronocam bug (fixed), ssl error (curl/ssl bug on win 8), win 8 input error (DPI problem) and few people with nvidia won't start).

    Everybody else have issues related to drivers (outdated drivers and linux users)/hardware (poor intel users, people with 8GB ram and 32-bit OS)/windows bugs (ati .dll bug, broken d3d dll's, broken directx web installer, 120GB page file issue).

    I'm walking database about player issues, i'm probably need to make list with statistics and most unusual bugs. :)
  8. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    You totally should I'm sure Uber would stiky it and a clean well organised page for this would be tons of help.

    It could even help people who think they have PA well set up gain a few extra bits of performance.

    people like me.
  9. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Problem is: people who asking for advice or answer don't need big post of information. I have some experience in supporting some software project for high-skilled users and I totally sure, that idea of building well organised pages are not working. And Q/A is working much better.

    Each developer who worked with corporate tech (Microsoft/IBM/Oracle/etc) understand that. You can get answer about mostly any technology on Stack Overflow (and other websites) in minutes, and you'll need to spend hours to find specific answer on corporate documentation websites. :mrgreen:

    E.g even list like THIS are totally unusual for most of people. Not because they're lazy, but because it's quite hard to extract specific information from wall of text.

    Main problem is you can't just say: grab new intel/amd driver because both their websites are total unusual crap. Even when I tried to check what videocard is particular person have my mind are blow up when I search on Intel website. It's easy to find drivers on Nvidia website, it's available in all languages and have same design for all regions. It's why people update more often.

    Wall of text usually lack of details because you won't include details in thread with thousand small pieces.
    Wall of text are hard even for skilled user who can find his drivers w/o help.
    Wall of text are outdate fast, so it's can't be used for technical help.
    Wall of text require tons of resources to maintain.
    Nobody read wall of text, so it's hard to correct if it's wrong.
    People usually send you to read wall of text even if they don't sure answer are here.

    Sorry for such complicated answer (you probably won't read it's all :p), I believe now you understand why I'm trying answer to people instead of building complicated FAQ/How-To/etc. ;)

    Dedicated articles working when you need to explain one specific thing, but it's totally broken when user should consider on some specifics. Human brain just aren't if/else computer, even brain of really smart people.

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